

  • 1. Name: Kelly 2. Wedding Date: 05/17/2013 3. Home State: Ohio 4. Current Weight: 271 5. Goal Weight for 12 week cycle: 259 6. Overall Goal Weight: 200
  • Well I'm glad I came for help and got judged instead. Thank you all for your advice.
  • The military one is the exact one I used. We frequent local restaurants because my friends own them and we can eat for free.
  • I don't know if it shows up on my profile, but I have over 50 recipes already. The hard part is when it's not my cooking, like when it's my friends, or when I make a huge amount, like for 500 people, and there's no way to measure it without going through and scooping out 500 one cup servings.
  • I have to say one thing first: I'm kind of put off by the fact that you guys seem to think I eat a lot of processed foods. I don't. The only processed food I eat on a regular basis is Velveeta, and I only eat 1-2 ounces at a time. Now I feel defensive instead of feeling supported or like I'm getting advice. Life and food…
  • I'm 5'4", 271.8 pounds. The experts are the people who came up with BMI. What do I eat? Anything and everything. I used to be a chef, but now I'm a stay at home mom. We try and stay away from processed foods, canned food, boxed food, etc. It's not like I'm living on Hamburger Helper and Lean Cuisines or anything - yuck. I…
  • I'm getting married 5/17/13 also! I already bought my dress, so I don't want to lose ALL 100 pounds I need to, but I'd like to lose some by then. Definitely need support and motivation!
  • Me too! 159 days til the wedding!
  • Sounds like your problem is less weight related and more agoraphobia. Consider seeing a therapist; There are some who will come to your home. I had many issues with leaving the house and being in public and in crowds and therapy helped me immensely. If you don't want to get therapy, the next time you feel poorly about…
  • I've been struggling with this a lot lately. I lost 12 pounds and gained 4 back. I feel like all this tracking is making me miserable, but then I feel miserable because I'm not losing weight. I'm depressed because I'm fat, but I'm fat because I'm depressed and it makes me want to do absolutely nothing and just bury my…
  • As a chef, I refuse to eat "fake" or diet food. Things that are labelled low this and lite that are generally fluffed out with chemicals and who knows what to make them taste acceptable - that's not to say that they even taste good! One real chocolate chip cookie leaves a better aftertaste and feeling than 5 diet cookies…
  • I'm pretty sure you can use your magical calculations to figure that out. Just do it in reverse. PS - Didn't your mother ever teach you it's rude to ask a woman her weight? :huh:
  • By your calculations, I should be eating 2500 cals/day. That's even more than MFP says to eat. If I eat 2500 cals/day for two weeks, I'm going to GAIN weight!!! That's ridiculous!!! Even if I subtracted 700 cals from the number, I'd still be eating 2300 per day! No no no no nooooo. Anyone else have…
  • I've read every single entry in this thread, and my brain is about to explode. =/ I am so confused. I adjusted my settings to be "lose 1 lb/week" with "semi-active lifestyle" working out 7 days/week, 30 min/day - and now it says I'm supposed to eat 2050 calories per day?! I'm so so SO confused. This is up from before I…
  • I would be happy just to weigh 200 lbs. Once I get down there, I'll start thinking about 160 - my favorite pictures of myself are when I was that weight (and, well, 18 yrs old as well!)