

  • You are doing the right thing by talking about it, especially with others who understand. As another post mentioned, have you tried to contact your local health department for refills on your prescription? Oh, before you go back into the "goody area", brush your teeth, drink water, etc. Do you have any exercise equipment?…
  • Hi all, I totally skipped the intro section and jumped right into the forums. Can you tell how excited I am about this site; it made me forget my good manners. I'm here for support, encouragement, tips, etc., as I need to lose a serious amount of weight (80 pounds minimum). I'm also here to be supportive of others as we…
  • Thank you both so much for the welcome!!! I'm sure I'll enjoy this site as I've already picked up valuable information. Best wishes as we all strive to live healthy lives!!:smile:
    in Hello Comment by tina1234 May 2009
  • After quite a few hits, misses, ilnesses and injuries, I'm trying to get back on track. I'm mostly working on cardio and stationary bike riding as I'm terribly out of shape. The 8 minute arms video was enough to show me how much I've neglected my arms (I focus on lower body exercises as my lower body is well,…
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