mryl Member


  • I really like the Laughing Cow Light Wedges. They are good and they don't have to be refrigerated. I also like Crunchmaster crackers with them. They are a good combination. Fifteen crackers and two wedges are 210 calories.
  • Hi! I wanted to encourage you to move just a little every day. Even if you do 15 minutes on the elliptical, you have done something. I too am 5'2" and it is tough being this short. There is nowhere to hide the weight. Take time for yourself. It will make you a better mom. Good Luck and God bless.
  • Serena, put a cold rag on your head and get low to the floor. Close your eyes and take deep breaths and remember to blow out so you don't hyperventilate. The cold rag really helps. Try splashing cold water on your face if you are not at home. Good luck.