trying to think of heather foods to bring to work

hey im not doing very well.. now i gotta start getting my act together. i dont like a lot of things which is my problem.any idea's?


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Hi! What kind of foods are heather foods?

    I like to bring a baggie of cheerios and some grape tomatos to work. I make sure to only drink water (I get free sodas where I work, it's hard to avoid!) If I get lazy I will bring a box lunch, like lean cuisine or banquet meal. They are not the best choice but they are better than a candy bar. :)
  • atthebeach08
    atthebeach08 Posts: 63 Member
    I was going to start a list of health foods to take to work to eat and snack on but then thought better of that as you said you didn't like a lot of things. So my suggestion is to take the things you like. Snack baggies of almonds or any fresh fruit you like. Small containers of suppers you like for your lunches. Hopefully it gives you a little start for Monday morning.
  • mryl
    mryl Posts: 3 Member
    I really like the Laughing Cow Light Wedges. They are good and they don't have to be refrigerated. I also like Crunchmaster crackers with them. They are a good combination. Fifteen crackers and two wedges are 210 calories.
  • winterjade
    winterjade Posts: 55 Member
    Now that its my super busy season at work (Tax time) I bring a big bowl of veggies (carrorts, peppers/cucumber) and have it at my desk...and I just much on that...keeps the unhealthy chips/fast foods out of my mind!
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I have a desk job, and access to both a microwave, and a toaster oven (and toaster, and fridge, and coffee pot :smile: ). For breakfast I usually have a packet of instant oatmeal. I have either Fiber One or the 90 calorie Special K bars when I want a snack, and a lot of days I have soup for lunch, or bring left overs from home.