

  • my son is my biggest motivator right now! He's 15 months (almost 16 months) and he's eating what we are eating, so I want that to be good stuff. So we knew we had to change our diet. We now eat a lot healthier and he deters us from going out to eat too often, because he cant sit still through a whole meal ( he wants to run…
  • wow, that is a huge transformation!! Way to go! My husband and I started Zumba a few weeks ago, we try to do it 2-3 times a week, we have slacked this past week though, its sooo much fun!! We have NO rhythym either, but we just have fun with it and keep moving! We do the cardio dance party DVD and I burn around 700 cals in…
  • Me too!! I want to lose a total of 110, I have about 87lbs more to go! Its a long tough road, but we can all do it! I've been at it since April and am down 23lbs, wish it was more, but this is real life and there are set backs, and bumps in the road, I will get there and so will you!
  • My sister and I used to make tuna sandwiches with cucumbers and tomatoes. Yummy, I need to do that again, although wrapped up in some lettuce sounds good too, I do like lettuce wraps!
  • 19lbs so far! 5365.8 + 19 = 5384.8
  • finding 5 pairs of pants that are 2-3 sizes smaller than the ones I was currently wearing, and they all fit. I can also squeeze into the size 16's that I have!! 3 months ago when I started I was a size 22, so to go down that much already is awesome! I can also fit into a large at the gap and american eagle!! Yay!! I was a…
  • I started as a 42DDD, and am now back down to a 40DD already, so that makes me happy, but that is still a lot of Boob! I'm doing outdoor boot camp and its a lot of running and such, but its hard to run with these girls! Some days I'm afraid I'm gonna take myself out with them. My biggest fear is losing everywhere but the…
  • I got a couple on Sunday!! I have been doing outdoor bootcamps since May 7th. I go 3-4 times a week, plus we walk at home at least 5 days a week. So Since starting my boot camps I've lost 8lbs and almost 9". I went to my mommy baby group yesterday and heard 5 seperate times how good I look! Plus today my MIL saw a picture…
    in NSVs! Comment by megbh83 June 2012
  • Age: 28 Height: 5'5" SW: 254 CW: 239 GW: 160