

  • Do you like tofu? It's really good if you put it in a stir fry with some veggies and just add some soy sauce for flavor. Dr. Braggs Liquid Amino Acid's taste exactly like soy sauce and has ZERO calories, plus the Amino Acids are great for your metabolism. Some other suggestions are tuna (I use olive oil in place of…
  • I also just had a baby (this is my second). If it's any encouragement to you, I also gained 60 lbs with my first child, and i lost all of it plus an additional 10 lbs within 6 months! Counting calories is only part of it. You really have to think about where the calories are coming from and how to get the most nutrition…
  • My husband says they're great for someone who has REALLY burned a lot of calories, like if they just ran 20 miles, but you should never eat them otherwise because they will just make you fat. He tells me to stay away from them because I am not anywhere near that level of fitness. He's in awesome shape so he's probably…