Low carb diet - what can i eat?

Hey everyone!

Have lost quite a bit of weight so far by simply cutting calories and exercising every night. That itself has been enough to shed the weight quickly as before my diet was horrendous!!! Im now down to 143/144 and not moving! I know thats a healthy weight but my goal is 133lb and really want to reach it!!

I think the problem is that even though iv been cutting calories, i dont think iv been eating the right things. Still eating a lot of yoghurts and cereal bars etc and despite losing 29lbs i still have quite a flabby stomach that no amount of exercise seems to be shifting!!

Wanting to start eating more protien (chicken/eggs) and less of the processed rubbish. Maybe even cut out bread for a while as i dont think id miss it too much.

I have no idea about low carb diets though and what fruits to eat and what not to eat!!

Im thinking i could have eggs for lunch, chicken and veg for dinner. Any breakfast options?? As i know some fruits are carbs??

Ahhhhh i have no idea. Someone please help!



  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    actually, if you are just wanting to cut down on carbs, diabetics eat the same type of diet. My ex husband is diabetic and I found dlife.com There are many recipes and hints for cutting carbs from your diet.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    you don't have to cut out carbs totally, just eat more healthy ones like vegetables (plenty but not limitless) and whole grains (in moderation).

    High protein foods are meat, fish, poultry, greek yogurt, protein shakes
    eggs, cheese, nuts and milk are all good proteins but also come with fat (good in moderation) (milk also has some carbs)

    Avoid a lot of bread, pasta, sugar etc

    Fruit again in moderation but it's very high in sugar so maybe cutting down on fruit and up on veggies is better
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    try Atkins.com they will even send you some coupons, carb counter and 3 of their bars (yummy) just for signing up and totally free! They have lists of what you can eat when low carbing too. I'm doing it now but I'm vegetarian. Trying to lose 35 + more lbs and already lost over 100 on a low glycemic type thing. Good luck!
  • sharonamizer
    Do you like tofu? It's really good if you put it in a stir fry with some veggies and just add some soy sauce for flavor. Dr. Braggs Liquid Amino Acid's taste exactly like soy sauce and has ZERO calories, plus the Amino Acids are great for your metabolism. Some other suggestions are tuna (I use olive oil in place of mayo...more "healthy" fat), and of course chicken. Try buying lean chicken breasts (if you have a Trader Joes near you that would be a good place to shop for organic, free range at a reasonable price), just throw them on the frying pan with a little bit of olive, sesame, or canola oil, and just chop it up and throw it on your salads. Liquid egg whites are also great, and an entire 16 oz container has 50 grams of protein and only 250 calories!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    In general avoid -

    potato, pasta, pizza, cakes, chocolate apart from 85%+ cocoa, candy, cereal, fruit, bread, sweets, milk

    also avoid "diet" and "low fat" products as most of these use carbohydrate to replace fat.

    Bacon and egg is a staple breakfast option. Zero carb. Mmmm.
  • SanDFit
    SanDFit Posts: 76 Member
    I tried the 17 day diet and it helped me lose 16lbs that I was not able to lose just with MFP. That is pretty much low carb. See if you would like to do that.
  • ablykins
    ablykins Posts: 200 Member
    Check out Chris Powell's booked called "Choose To Lose", it really explains carb cycling and gives great menus. Veggie carbs (with the exception of corn, white potatoes, and carrots) are always available to you in a low carb diet so you'll never go hungry even on your low carb days.
  • keish84
    keish84 Posts: 37 Member