

  • Yes, I'd say so for sure eat more. If you're only eating 1200 calories in a day and burning off at least 400 of that after an hour at the gym, you're only netting ~800 for the day, and your body needs more than that just for regular functioning. Sure, you'll burn some weight off to make up, but the body will be somewhat…
  • We're about the same height -- I'm fairly athletic and in-shape and don't "appear" overweight, but as I started approaching 170, I couldn't claim it was all muscle and some of it -- a lot of it -- was fat. My base calories is 1310. I've been eating 1600-1800 on weekdays and 2000-2400 on weekends, which are my more lax…
  • If you only eat 1350 calories, and burn off another 600, then you've only got 750 calories worth of fuel for the day. Just to survive, the average adult woman needs at least 1500 calories. You're starving. You'll never lose weight. Your body will cling to every pound it has. Eat your exercise calories.
  • It's like quitting smoking - it will be a challenge....until it isn't anymore. One day you crave nicotine with every fiber of your soul, but then one day you realize dozens of days, weeks, and years have gone by, and you have forgotten. Food and especially sugar and white flour can be just as addictive. Don't give up! It…
  • I'm losing a bit over 2 pounds a week. Here's what works for me: I eat only real food. If it can be found in nature: I eat it. If it was manufactured, I don't eat it. I don't starve myself. I eat 1400-1800 calories a day depending on intensity of workout. I eat all day, every 2-3 hours. I eat small low carb, high-protein…