

  • I guess at the end of the day, everyone is conscious of their weight. And for you to be losing weight - successfully - it makes them think about their own weight. And if they aren't happy with their own weight, why should you be happy with yours? Hence, negativity.
  • There is a tumblr page of befores and afters. If you just look up weight loss before and afters on google you will find it. This is what keeps me motivated. Just the knowledge that so many people have done it, so why can't we. Don't we deserve to be healthier? Damn right we deserve it!
  • We all fall off the wagon from time to time. You just need to get on it. Greatdanebabi, you need to keep at it. Don't give up. We're all here because we want to change, and change takes a long long time. So you can't focus on the number - you need to focus on the fact that your body won't be in as much pain, your heart…