

  • This is a reasonable thing to think about. However, all of the conjecture in the world from us won't give you the answer to your original question. I'd ask your trainer why she said that. if it's for reasons above, good. If not, she has some 'splainin' to do.
  • Water is so essential and good for you. I drink tons of it, and change it up by mixing different things in it. Suggestions: Try mixing half water (good bottled stuff, not tap) and half seltzer water for the refreshing mouth bubbly feeling. (Be sure you get seltzer water not club soda. Club soda has sodium). Full strength…
    in I hate water Comment by DeziD April 2012
  • Well, I'm Italian and I prefer ricotta because of the smoother texture. I love eating ricotta right out of the container plain. But, cottage cheese makes a nice breakfast for me, mixed with a bit of artificial sweetener (or agave nectar) and cinnamon and spread on top of whole grain toast.
  • I second that. For me, thinking about cutting something out forever sets me up for failure with a sense of "lack." Instead, I am now on the track of becoming more conscious about my choices, and allowing anything I want -- in balance. I find the Fitness Pal tracker allows me to get immediate feedback about my choices, and…