emarge Member


  • Anything that comes in a box has/is processed carbs!!! I have lost 10lbs in 2wks b/c I am on a very low carb, high protein diet (30-35g carbs / 80g protein per day). BUT, I have Insulin Resistance Syndrome (my glucose is way high due to all the carbs and sugars). I'm not eating grains or "white" anything. Just TONS of…
  • I have been wondering the same thing! I am on very low carb/high protein diet due to my insulin resistance syndrome. For the 1st time ever I am struggling w/ eating enough food! Last night it was 8pm and I realized I barely had 900 calories eaten! But yet, I had met my protein for the day (at least 78g). I have heard so…
  • Hi gals! I'm new (well, ok, been here 4wks) but don't have "friends". I have a 50lb loss goal, but for the month of May my goal is to lose 2"....and the end of June is my 10th wedding anniv, so I am wanting to look better for that...at least 15lbs less (hopefully more???). I'd love to be friends. :) Thanks! Elaine
  • I'm currently having a Cucumber-Pear-Spinach smoothie. So good! This website is GREAT for smoothie ideas! Just started doing her recipes. http://www.incrediblesmoothies.com/
  • WOW! What replies! Didn't expect this at all!! THANK YOU! Just to clarify: I cry from my workouts b/c I realize how weak I am, I realize that I truly allowed myself to get this way and it's hard to accept being the weakest link when my personality is confident, always first and leading. This is a new side of me I'm seeing…
  • Thanks for showing me that! That's amazing!!! Hopefully, I will be able to show those same kind of pictures w/in time............