28 October Me: 14 Binge: 11
27 October Me: 13 Binge: 11
24 October Me: 12 Binge: 9 I did overeat but what's important is I didn't binge and oddly enough I didn't feel the urge to binge (but not that I'm complaining! :smile: ) I know it doesn't sound like much, it definitely feels like I've gone longer but 3 consecutive days without binging and I feel fantastic, my stomach…
23 October Me: 11 Binge: 9
22 October Me: 10 Binge: 9 Have been so bad :( hoping for binge-free days to the end of the month!
20 October Me: 8 Binge: 8
18 October Me: 6 Binge: 7
October 10: Me: 3 Binge: 2
I'm at 2:2. Let's do this!!
thank you guys for the support! :) been pretty bad lately but I'm still determined. For starters I'm starting to be able to control my binges. Me: 2 Binge: 2
Hi guys, I just had the worst binge of the year (possibly the worst I've had ever) today and I really feel so lousy right now. I found this group and was hoping for some motivation. As reluctant as I am to do it, I'm going to count starting from today's binge, so that I remind myself of this feeling and how I never want to…