

  • I am no dietician but i noticed too that on the average i am not even coming close to the average calories that MFP has set for me but i know my body is satisfied with the snacking and meals that i consume.. i have the full feeling but not over-full anymore and i notice i have alot more energy. So if you feel hungry try…
  • Best of luck to you .... just believe and continue moving forward .... GOOD LUCK and hang in there:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Hello my names is... well i will go by Moses or Moe when posting so lets say that. I am not really new to dieting but it is not something that i like to do. I am 33 years old and in the US Air Force. i kinda got away from the physical activities so the laziness and finally caught up to me. I was recommeneded to this site…