ChinaDollTKP Member


  • I am 1/2 chinese (first generation of my fam in US), 1/4 german and 1/4 cherokee. Most commonly people think I am hispanic or spanish I alwyas have people coming up amd speaking to me in spanish. , then hawaian, and then there are even sone who tell me I just look white. The more weight I lose the more caucasian I seem to…
  • I make my own low carb, sugar free, dairy free chocolate with coconut oil....add in some Justins Hazelnut butter or peanut butter and u can conquor any craving! 2 tbsp coconut oil 1-2 tbsp cocoa powder/unsweetened dark chocolate/or even carob powder Depending on your preference Sweetener of choice (i use truvia and have…
  • I have struggled with the exact same problem. Simply can not give up my coffee, and do NOT enjoy it black. I will give up sweetener before creamer. I have done a lot of research and found that the full fat real version of creamer is actually lower in carbs than most replacements. I have cut out sugar and flavorings, but…
  • I love! Try any r of the fudge baby recipeszz
  • Read a tip on Hungry Girl blogs about the new Frosting Creations. They are little packets of powder that you put into a base frosting. They are sold separately. And I love them in my plain )% greek yogurt. They are not sweetened, I add splenda. I had Chocolate Marshmallow Yogurt at lunch today.
  • Thank you everyone for your concern. :-) I guess it would have helped to say that I have been a "big" girl for my entire life! I accepted and was proud of my body. I never expected to be thin. I had an amazing wardrobe, never lacked for friends or male attention and was comfortable in my own skin. Health reasons forced me…
  • Hi all, I have over 100#s to lose. SW: 272 CW: 216 GW: 125-135 Feel free to add me as well! Always looking for new people to join me on this journey.
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. I couldn't understand why I ballooned to almost 300#s (and am only 5'3) then my doctor told me It was PCOS. I completely understand the frustration. I will be very honest and say that I struggled to lose weight just through reducing calories and exercise. I would lose soooo slooooowwlly…
  • Hi All! I am doing a VLCD. I eat 500-750 calories (if I exercise closer to the high end) and no more than 20 carbs a day. I am in a medically supervised weight loss program where I see medical professionals weekly. I am really struggling to get in all my calories.....yet I am constantly going over on my carbs and fats. I…
  • I am a very low carber 20g or less a day! (Medically supervised) I am new to MFP but not to losing the weight. Would love to add some friends for motivation and support!
  • I would definitely love to join! Can't wait to get to Onederland :-P