nissamorin Member


  • Definitely! I call pre-gym me "delusional", it's a pretty negative word but waking up and being aware has been the hardest and best part of all this.
  • Thank you fitnesspal-ers! Glad to see so many people who are fighting the good fight. I guess the issue of self-sabotage (the word that resonated with me the most from these replies) is one I fight a lot and it sounds pretty common. I'm feeling better now that I have a couple workouts and nights sleep behind the be 19#. I…
  • I gave myself permission to eat from my friend's food truck for lunch yesterday as a break from the diet (I try not to think of it as a reward because rewarding with food is an issue for me) but you're right now it's back to business. I think turning my brain off (ie. not worry) has to be the hardest thing I'm trying to…
  • Thanks everyone! I use this place as a resource and I'm far less active then most of you but it's definitely been one of the tools I've used a lot. Especially, for meal planning and tracking. Oh and always remember the sage advice of a memory-challenged Tang fish... "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." all the work…
  • Thanks fitness pal-ers! Never thought I'd fit in with a crowd like this community, life's funny huh? When the first picture was taken I was in the middle of my first MS attack and one week away from a week long hospitalization. While there I lost vision in my right eye and most of the muscle strength/function of my right…
  • Thanks so much, so helpful! Looking forward to trying some of these. I'm learning this whole "making good food choices" thing isn't the impossible task I've always thought it was.
  • Thank you I'll give it a try! I'm actually born and bread US but I'm originally from New England so I make weird word choices sometimes. I always claim it's just a regional thing but I haven't lived there in so long I don't know what is actually regional and what are just strange habits I've picked up. The one I get the…