littlebigvoice Member


  • I'm exactly the same shape. If you find any successes let me know! Xxxx
  • Hmm. This is a tricky one. I'm actually going to weigh myself every two weeks at the moment. This may sound odd, but bear with me. I sort of feel as though in a week you can do and undo good work, whereas over two you will probably get a clearer picture of what's going on with your body. I feel really strongly that…
  • Hello! I'm Victoria. I've always had the curves (Fat Bottomed Girls was actually written for me) and in recent years I've finally got over my body issues and embraced them. Unfortunately, I've now embraced them too much... I weigh 12.1 which at my tiny 5'2 height is a little bit ridiculous. I've done WW before, but it was…