


  • Hi everyone,

    My name is Fiona, I'm 32 and I live in London.

    I weigh 195lbs (gulp!) and am 5'6". I'd like to get down to at least 160lbs before the end of the year, and then try to get down to 145/150lbs before next summer.

    I lost 2.5 stone about three years ago, and have gradually put most of it back on... It's really disappointing, but I only have myself to blame! Now I'm trying to consume 1200 calories per day (which is what I did last time), and then exercise three times a week at the gym... which is both boring and hard because I have NO willpower :)

    Fi x
  • cambridgegirl309
    cambridgegirl309 Posts: 26 Member
    Done!! Might motivate me to make healthy and not just low cal choices...maybe...!! x
  • Hi,

    I'm Marina, Oxford based and just turned 28 (boooo!) I weigh 150 pounds and would like to get back to my ideal 126 pounds. I say back to as I managed to get from 156 pounds down to 126 about 2 years ago and have slowly piled it back on, but i'm getting married next year so I have new motivation.

    I am a WIWT lurker but never posted and I'm also hoping that losing the excess poundage will mean I'll be able to post without feeling self conscious.

    Feel free to add me as a friend so that we can motivate each other xx

  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member

    I'm Marina, Oxford based and just turned 28 (boooo!) I weigh 150 pounds and would like to get back to my ideal 126 pounds. I say back to as I managed to get from 156 pounds down to 126 about 2 years ago and have slowly piled it back on, but i'm getting married next year so I have new motivation.

    I am a WIWT lurker but never posted and I'm also hoping that losing the excess poundage will mean I'll be able to post without feeling self conscious.

    Feel free to add me as a friend so that we can motivate each other xx

    You've got a great reason to lose the weight, wanna look great in that dress, right?

    Mine started differently for me. My reason started in a doctor's office while waiting for an appointment to start. The secretary came in with the scales - digital - and I got the fright of my life. I came in at a shocking 287 pounds. Got a digital scales of my own and went up a pound first. After 40 pounds, I joined here. Oh, the reason for the doctor's appointment? The results to my cholestrol test were back and they were up. Still working on that too, but hopefully I won't be on something like Lipitor like my Dad. He's on that because of a heart attack he had in 1995. High cholestrol runs in the family on his side, and I don't want to inherit that. And I'm gonna make sure I don't, no matter what I have to do to stop it.
  • littlebigvoice
    littlebigvoice Posts: 3 Member

    I'm Victoria. I've always had the curves (Fat Bottomed Girls was actually written for me) and in recent years I've finally got over my body issues and embraced them. Unfortunately, I've now embraced them too much...

    I weigh 12.1 which at my tiny 5'2 height is a little bit ridiculous. I've done WW before, but it was with a mate, and quite frankly the thought of going it alone and sitting with all those sad middle aged ladies on my own makes me feel very sad. So, here I am!

    My thighs and legs are my biggest bugbear. Although I've got pretty lardy, it's safe to say that I don't carry it too badly - my waist is still visible. This makes people go 'but you can't have put on a stone and a half since your wedding...'

    Think I'm also going to use the blog function. Feel free to friend me - I'm feeling a little lonely out here!

    Lots of love,

    Vix xxxxx
  • Hey littlebigvoice

    I think we're cut from the same cloth. I'm 5'3 and carry most of my extra weight on my hips bum and thighs - I actually quite like my waist and like you get the comments about how i can't weigh what i say i do!

    Well i definately do - but hopefully we can do something about that!

    My thighs and legs are my biggest bugbear. Although I've got pretty lardy, it's safe to say that I don't carry it too badly - my waist is still visible. This makes people go 'but you can't have put on a stone and a half since your wedding...'
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Hi, I'm Pique, 25 and live in NW London. I've been on this website for a while, and previously lived on yet another where I lost lbs. Unfortunately my then 60 hrs a week job made it impossible to cook, so I ballooned once again. I'm here to reverse this awfulness and once again rock my mini dresses!
  • mollyhelenpierce
    mollyhelenpierce Posts: 1 Member

    I'm Molly. I'm 24 years old and I live in London. I'm 5'1.5" and currently I think weigh about 11stone (just got back from holiday - too nervous to get on the scales this morning!). I was down to about 9st 7 last year through a combination of Dukan and being really regimented about exercise, but since then it's just crept back up. Motivation is what I find really tricky - like a lot of the stuff Poppy covered in her original blog, I still look ok in most of my clothes, I have a lovely boyfriend (whom I live with, and who has the metabolism of an antelope - also an issue when it comes to food choices!), I do bits of exercise now and then and think that that's enough. But it isn't really, and holiday snaps and dresses getting tighter and tighter just underline that. I'm really overweight for my height, and disappointed by not being able to keep the weight off from my last effort, so that's my first aim - to get back to where I was last year in a more sustainable way. And from there, who knows!
  • I do bits of exercise now and then and think that that's enough. But it isn't really, and holiday snaps and dresses getting tighter and tighter just underline that. I'm really overweight for my height, and disappointed by not being able to keep the weight off from my last effort, so that's my first aim - to get back to where I was last year in a more sustainable way. And from there, who knows!

    I know exactly what you mean Molly, weird how holiday photos seem to be the real 'when did I get like that?' moment!
  • Nice to meet so many people with same goals :) Makes it seem a bit less daunting/****!

    As Laurel mentioned, it seems food diaries etc are set to private by default (mine certainly was) so turn that off in settings if you wanna share food ideas/gloat about having been to the gym etc etc.

  • I have a lovely boyfriend (whom I live with, and who has the metabolism of an antelope - also an issue when it comes to food choices!)

    Ha ha - I know this feeling!

    Welcome x
  • eva30
    eva30 Posts: 2
    Hi all, I'm Eva and I'm from Spain. I'm 31 years old and have two small children. Two very close together pregnancys has meant a lot of weight gain. I'm 5 ft 6 and weigh 80 kilos. Last year I lost 10 kilos but I've put 5 back on again. I want to get down to about 60 kilos, my pre pregnancy weight. I hate exercise but realise that it really would benefit me to do some.

    I'm glad to have found this group, I hope we can all help each other.
  • Hi all,

    I am Peony and I'm 34 and live in London. I had a baby last year so have decided I need to shift the muffin top now else I'll never lose it! Weight-wise I probably need to lose about 15 lbs which isn't too bad, but seemingly impossible to do. HEEEEEEELP!
  • Hiiii Everyone!

    My name is Alicia, Im 27 from North London. I know how much I weigh, but refuse to write it.

    From November 2010-November 2011.. I lost 5 stone.. Then I met a boy and got so wrapped up in him that before I knew it I had gained 28lbs in 8 months.. I am devastated and none of my clothes fit.

    I want to lose at least 3 stone by my birthday which is in six months.. I have high hopes..

    Lets do this folks!

    Liss x
  • Hi everyone

    This is nice isn't it? I can't stand those meetings where people moan about not loosing weight despite eating 5 packets of biscuits (oh wait that's me...)

    I've said it a thousand times but THIS TIME I"M GOING TO DO IT....

    I am 30 years old and work as a marketing manager for a creative agency, so yes i sit on my *kitten* all day and eat the sweets and chocolates my MD or clients bring in...(we're currently working for a chocolatiers FML!)

    I'm currently 12 stone 6 lbs (my heaviest evaaaaaa!) and am 5'6 (i'm a 12 on top and 14/16 on bottom) I'd like my first goal to be 1 stone in the next 2 months.

    Good luck ladies, lets smash the **** out this.

  • Lets do thiiiis folks! x
  • Hi everyone,

    I'm Katie, I'm fat and I want to be skinnier!

    Great to see lots of like minded people here.

    I love cooking - baking cupcakes and pies in particular - and as much as I do a fair bit of running (and currently getting into kettlebells) I have just got rounder and rounder in the last few years as I have a fairly stressful job and do lots of sitting down. Oh and I've been eating too much, maybe.

    The time has come and I'm fed up of no longer fitting into my lovely clothes and having to wear not so lovely ones. Doesn't help that the other half can eat what he likes and still look hot. Ah well.

    Its my 31st birthday in December so target number one is to loose 20 lbs by then. I'm 165 lbs now but only 5'3 and its all sitting on my bum and thighs.

    Haven't got any friends on here yet so please add me if you want to, look forward to seeing how everyone is getting on. Good luck! x
  • Hi, I'm Rebecca, 26 from Warrington.

    I have been on MFP for ages but I'm excited that this group will hopefully make me use it properly and give me healthy meal ideas!!

    I am 5"7' and 186 pounds. Over the past year or so I have come down from over 254 pounds (didn't weigh myself till I'd lost a bit!). Over the past 6 months the weight loss has slowed to pretty much nothing as I get closer to my goal weight and I really need a kick to complete the final furlong... Goal weight was always 175 but I reckon 160 is probably realistic as I get closer. We'll see!!

    Good luck everyone!

  • Lots of funny like minded people here :) Great to have so many of you on board!
