mcohran Member


  • That's inspiring. Twenty pounds in 75 days is great. I hope i can do as well. Thanks for sharing your story.
  • Whoops - I'd better learn how to use this board a bit better.
  • Hi everyone, I'm Mark and I'm glad to see there are some groups devoted to atheism/rationality on MFP. I was brought up in a fundamentalist Christian household, but my love of science, engineering and reading broke me free from that mindset in the early 80's. Mark
  • Like you, I'm not new to weight loss, but I am new to MFP. My wife and I joined last week when we downloaded the phone app and I have to say it's definitely encouraging us to eat less, eat better and exercise more, but we can all use help and motivation. Like you, I have a desk job and I'm not able to get to exercise too…