not new to weight loss but new to MFP

hazymary Posts: 190 Member
HI, I'm Mary and 3 weeks ago I heard a buzz at work about this awesome phone app. So of course I had to find out what all the fuss was about. I immediately downloaded it. I've been doing my version of weight watcher for 6 months and have lost 38 lbs. But I felt stagnant, so I decided to get a kick start with MFP......WOW.....down 4.3 pounds my first week, needless to say I was THRILLED, but then I hit the wall!! I gained .5 lbs. last week and I'm so afraid of gaining or staying the same this week. I'm still not sure of what calories I should be eating...MFP says BMR is 1390...I have a desk job and only exercise 2-3 times a week.
Any help and/or support would be welcome. Thanks:smile:


  • suziesue9
    suziesue9 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Mary, I've been on here for 70 days now and lost 10lbs - I am looking for a couple more buddies to motivate me and I always give motivation back, please feel free to add me as a friend if you like, nice to meet you! Suzie
  • mcohran
    mcohran Posts: 4 Member
    Like you, I'm not new to weight loss, but I am new to MFP. My wife and I joined last week when we downloaded the phone app and I have to say it's definitely encouraging us to eat less, eat better and exercise more, but we can all use help and motivation. Like you, I have a desk job and I'm not able to get to exercise too often due to some many work and family commitments, but I'm going to make a real effort to modify my schedule and carve out some exercise time for myself. Maybe you can flex your schedule a bit so you can get a few more workouts in as well.