

  • Run Run as fast as you can away from this poser, trust me, people who have something to hide and lie about who they are can be dangerous. I unfortunately know this from a very painful experience. As hard as it is to have "wasted" a year of communication with this individual, count your blessings that it didn't go any…
  • I am 48 and just found this site, looking forward to tracking my journey with you all. I want to lose 25-30 pounds. I have gained 20 pounds back of the 74 I had previously lost.....I was almost to my goal when I started to gain weight again. I am trying to catch myself from getting out of control again.
  • I agree, the "diet" sugar substitutes do not help braking the sugar cravings and make me want more sugar as well.
  • I recently decided that I was possibly addicted to sweets and cut them out entirely with the exception of fruit with natural sugars. The first day I had a horrible headache all day....I am on day three and the urges are slowly leaving me and the headache is gone. I have made other adjustments to my diet, ie-no butter or…