amg22 Member


  • Same things is happening to me. My boss (a physician) suggested for me to take a supplement called "hair and nails" im going to go look for it today.
  • Yeah. They would or continue to be fat. What's your point? Unless the person is an idiot, they are still going to excercise and eat right while on phentermine and after. The ones who think this pill is magic are ignorant.
  • You are correct a pill will not teach you to be healthy. You must research and learn that yourself. It suppresses your appitite but you still MUST eat. And phentermine helps to not over eat.
  • CLINICALLY obese means by clinical/doctor standards you are obese. That's not bull****. It's the way that the medical community categorizes different weights groups.
  • Yes, I am not a doctor. So do not just rely on my information but if you are doing all the above then you are doing it right. So many people think phentermine is an easy way out. And though in a way it is at first, you will not keep the weight off without implementing a healthy lifestyle. Go You for doing such a great job:)
  • You need a different doctor. Phentermine is for people who are clinically obese. You weigh 145 which is very healthy unless you are extremely short. Your doctor never should have prescribed that for you.