You look great and I love your tattoos.
I'd really like to thank everyone who has posted here, and everyone who has added me as a friend. Everyone had such kind words of encouragement, I really really appreciate every single one of you. :]
Thank you so much for that. I actually don't eat the mac and cheese.. I've been eating one item meals. Like, when all we have is burger, I'll have a hamburger with sliced onion. And when we have chicken I'll just eat chicken. We're going shopping Saturday morning.. And this time I'm going with him. lol
Thanks, I'll be sure to check that out. :]
Thanks guys.. :] I have been slowly getting fruits and veggies into the house.. and I've been convincing my dad to try other ways of cooking other than frying/deep frying everything, lol. I got him to switch the bread to split top [it was slightly cheaper than whole wheat] We do have a small Aldi around here and I try to…