My hubby taught me to lift and I lift pretty heavy. He thinks it is really cool that I feel strong and self confident. Real men like ladies who lift. They are probably just trying to help....wear ear buds or just say 'thanks I'm fine'
Make a big Tupperware of salad at the start of the weekend - then what ever he makes take a small portion of the meat/protein add a big salad with a low cal dressing you will not be cooking twice and it is OK to eat wings and ribs - BTW I strip wings of the skin and just eat the meat that really helps too
Why not drink it warmed with a slice of lemon, just zap it in microwave for 30-60 secs
I have never regretted not having kids....but once you ***** and moan for a few sessions you realize this is not the thing that defines you, hence I am not very active here but we are around - lurking :)
look great at 131 way better than at 114 - just shows the scale is not your friend!
Awesome - I love the way you treated yourself to a belly button ring!
Amazing job
Great job! keep going
Great job!
Sorry - I am the same height as you and would need to weigh 180lbs to be only overweight - are you sure you are doing the calculation correctly?
I use my monitor every time I row - I have a good model with a fitness score and it take weight age and fitness into account you can set your own boundaries for fat burn, training and anaerobic zones. Then just play with you work outs, there are some great suggestions on the concept2 site Intervals, sprints, endrance -…
amazing story and great success!
great job you look beautiful!
No it is not - you should check the label
Ask me too! 51 and struggling to lose :0)
Amazing job - you look beautiful
When I was fatter I did the esame thing - deep denial. Now I have lost some I see myself as fatter than back then - you can not seem to win on this one. At one time, years ago I got down to my goal weight and never SAW myself then...perhaps one reason I let it all come back. This body image thing is very strange
To be honest it really does not matter, do a varity of excercise, do intevals, do long periods at a low heart rate, do short intense bouts. If you are not very fit every time you raise your heart rate you are helping yourself - so I I say do it all. Also I have read that 30 minutes 4-5 times a week is enough with some…
nice job!
Well done!
ok I will join in 2
Congrats! you look great
great work!
I make loads at the weekend and warm them up thro' the week
Roasted veg is a great way of going Try with a spary of olive oil but add one of the following for extra yummyness red flakes seasoned sea salt smoke or rosemary smoke paprika portabella mushroom powder - Dole for extra vitamin D Garlic minced Fresh herbs Whole cumin Whole caraway seed Whole celery seeds
Please be careful eating back the calories this site tells you earned - they are way too high. Get a HRM with details like weight age and height factors and use that to measure... you may be earting back too many cals.
Wow - you look great - thanks for posting your story so far
Bread, booze and ice cream
Happy BD! great job