

  • Hey Rach, Great to meet you. If you really want great results, I know you'll love the P90X workout. I got some great results with my first round and now I'm doing it all over again with some minor modifications just to change it up a bit. Keep in mind though that you have to follow the nutrition guidelines to get awesome…
    in P90X+ Comment by Dragon1 May 2009
  • Hey Dan, It's great to find you on this site. A friend mentioned this site to me and as I was browsing I came across you thread. How great was that!! I had finished the first round of P90X+ and then decided to go back to the P90X and do another round of that. I wasn't too thrilled about the Total Body and Upper Workout. I…
    in P90X+ Comment by Dragon1 May 2009
  • For what it's worth, I think that if you want it to work for you, you will need to focus on both proper diet and exercise. You should consider a program that really works both you both with cardio and strength training. Look into Beachbody.com for some great ideas. I'm not trying to promote the latter but from experience…
    in Hi Comment by Dragon1 May 2009