

  • It's more like saying: "I don't know you or what you know about anything, and your opinion isn't nearly as important to me as you think it should be. And that you compare food diary sharing with marriage intimacy is really kind of creepy." :bigsmile:
  • Eventually you'll achieve your health and physique goals. And that guy will still be a drunk ***hole.
  • For what it's worth, I've done 30DS as well, and it really wouldn't have been fun with shin splints. Make sure to stretch those muscles before you work out, and remember that discomfort in those little support muscles is okay - they'll get stronger. Pain is not okay.
  • I dealt with shin splints a lot at first when I started exercising - especially trying to run or do any kind of impact exercise - jumping jacks, etc. The first thing I had to do was get an appropriate pair of shoes that would allow my ankle full range of motion. Then I started walking. Just a mile at first and worked up to…