tris2002 Member


  • gahhhh......I weighed in yesterday morning at 172.2......and then totally went over my calories last Hoping to behave this weekend to keep the scale moving in the downward direction even though i have a big family dinner planned for Saturday......this weekend is going to take some will power!
  • ---Yay! I've had a bit of a loss this week-3.3lb!-I was a little surprised with the amount as I cheated a bit last night with a big family dinner complete with dessert :blush: !!!! Note to not have cheat night the day before weigh in :wink: I'm ready to take on the next week and hopefully drop another 2-3+…
  • Dawn, please be careful in decreasing your calories- sometimes doing so works against you as it slows your metabolism! I'm not a dietitian so take advice as you will but from experience this seems to be the case. I'm about 10lb heavier than you and I'm eating on a 1400 calorie count (MFP has me locked in at 1200 and i…
  • Hi All!!! I am hoping to find a little accountability here--I definitely need it! Last time I did a challenge group I was pretty successful and it was great to be a part of, I'm hoping to find that success again! Original starting weight -182 April starting weight -178.8 April goal- 10 lbs (2lb weekly) Ultimate goal -130…
  • Can I join in? I am in need of a little accountability and this might be just the trick. April start wt: 178.8 April Goal wt: 168 April 1: 178.8 April 8: April 15: April 22: April 29:
  • hey all! Weekends are so tough for me because I am super My food logging did not get done but i tried to be aware of what I was eating to attempt to not go over too badly My water intake increased and I hit my water goals both saturday and sunday YAY!!! Cardio was done by walking around the zoo…
  • hmmmm @marieschneider1097 i do not have a bike........what about just a cardio challenge? the recommended amount of cardio is 150 minutes per week--so what if the challenge is to hit the 150 mark by the end of the week? For some folks this might be too easy, what do you think? or @kycl1976 has a good idea with the 7 minute…
  • OK so heres the stats for me for yesterday.... Starting weight (as of 6/14/2017-I typically weigh on wednesday's) 165.4 exercise--no workouts yesterday track all my food--Done and stayed within my calories drank 2 glasses of water Not so great for day one......areas I'd like to improve in: Getting in any form of exercise…
  • Hey ladies! I would like to join if able.......I definitely have a 20lb drop goal....Overall really i'd like to drop about 30 but 20 is more approachable right now. I am in my 30s and have 3 kiddos 7, 5, and 3. I'm not as active as I once was and hope that by getting back on the wagon with tracking my food and being a bit…
  • hello! I like to do smoothies for breakfast: they are quick and easy and i can drink them on the way to work! I use about a half of a cup of lowfat vanilla yogurt, about a cup of frozen fruit, half of a large banana, and about a 1/4 cup of steel cut oats (uncooked) (they blend in so you don't really notice them). Sometimes…
  • Heaviest: 175 Lightest: 115 Currently: 143.8 Goal: 130
  • my starting weight was 162, My current weight is 144 My goal weight is 125
  • I have Bones---our boxer and my son had a goldfish that he named Hat
  • pick me i fit in with this mystery disorder too! I would put on my clothes and heels and think i look good for being a mom and just having a baby. Or get all dressed up to go out with my size 2 and size 5 sisters well lets just say when those photos were developed i wanted to run to the hills my size 14 self looked huge…
  • ok lol ....spree candy
  • shopping spree
  • i like to add a little black pepper and garlic powder to mine and eat it using lettuce or veggiesand chips if im being bad :0) i like my cottage a little on the dryer side so i flip the container upside down to store it, and i only eat friendship daries brand
  • [/quote] What classification is it? Amphetamine? Barbituate? Hallucinogenic? [/quote] To my understanding it is a synthetc amphetamine. I work as an addictions counselor in NY (a very rural part of NY) and we have seen a couple of cases in our area where people routinely use it. Of the clients i work with that have used it…
  • very grateful for this information.....Thank You!
  • i've lost 20 pounds without clean eating. I try to make smarter choices but don't deprive myself of the things i want. If i want some type of junk food i just watch my portions and eat it and go on with my day :0)
  • i am an addicitons counselor. I spend my work day sitting and talking to people and running charts from my office to the other side of a very small building. I go home and put on my mommy hat to take care my two sons (2 years old an d4 months old) I get home in time to do dinner, an hour or so of play time, baths and bed.…
  • i have what looks to be lordosis (never diagnosed), my back has been like this since i was very young: my lower back curves in very far and causes my stomach to push out. The other day i even got asked if i was pregnant! I was pretty discouraged because ive been working on loosing weight and am down about 17lbs total since…
  • Do we have a week 2 challenge yet?
  • move-its easier to organize the othere way
  • Calories 1517 Exercise wii active Water 6cups
  • CW: 146.2 (down 15.8lbs to date!) GW: 130 MGW: 141 or less Exercise: wii, chasing my son around, playing outside and going for walks when the weather is nice (this is the part of the challenge that i really need to make some changes in) Calories: too early to state Daily Challenge: Not completed: its a little unrealistic…
  • Let's go RED! Cw=146.2 Goal weight 141 or less!
  • not sure how awesome id be at daily challenges above and beyond all else but i'm willing to try!
  • i was a little confused~~~~~LETS GO RED!!!!!!!!
  • lets go purple!!!!!!!--- I'M READY TO GET THIS STARTED TOMORROW!