have you lost weight *without* clean eating?

does anyone fall in this category?

i have about 30 more pounds to lose, but i have been holding steady for nearly a full year now, and i can't figure out what to do. between august of 2010 and june of 2011, i lost around 25 pounds. it came off consistently. i was eating a tostino's oven pizza one to two times per week during this time. i also ate at a jr. burrito at moe's followed up with stonecold icecream every monday. i was not the poster child for clean eating by a long shot, but i was losing weight every week.

after the summer, i decided to clean up my diet a bit - nothing drastic, but i eat more meals at home, eat salads instead of pizza, etc. and i've been on hold ever since. i still workout hard 5 days a week, and i pay attention to my calorie intake. i don't log like i used to because i'm getting so frustrated, but i have a meal routine that i pretty much stick to, so i know when i've gone overboard on a day - this doesn't happen too often - maybe once every two or three weeks.

i just saw on another thread a slew of people saying don't eat anything that comes out of a can or a box because that can impede weight loss. has anyone had success losing weight *without* the clean eating aspect? if i fix a veggie plate for dinner, everything comes out of a can except for the sweet potato. i'm not an organic kind of gal. i understand that clean eating can have some uber healthy benefits that maybe (hopefully) i'll eventually be interested in. but i don't understand how eating processed food could completely cut off weight loss - especially when i was losing consistently when i was eating oven-sludge pizzas every week at one time.

anyhoo...just looking for anyone with similar experiences. thanks in advance! :flowerforyou:


  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Yes I did. I lost 60 lbs.I wasn't eating clean. As a matter of fact I still ate processed foods. I ate lots of the same foods eiteh rins maller quantaties or substitutions. It can be done and I know tons of people who have done it without clean eating. Excercise , weight lift and be in a calorie deficit. You will do fine.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I try to eat cleanER, but still eat processed food daily. Still losing weight.
  • subtractionproject
    subtractionproject Posts: 64 Member
    Yeah I can't afford to 'eat clean', as it were. I eat as my budget allows, and that necessarily includes some share of processed 'crap'. As long as I stick to my calorie goal and try to get in my greens along with my microwaveable lasagne, I'm good.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    thanks for the input.

    maybe i should go back to eating my tostinos...
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I still eat absolutely everything I ate when I was at my heaviest. I just eat less of it now.

    Drastic changes to diet led to feelings of deprivation which led to failure in my other attempts.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    to lose weight all you need is a calorie deficit. Sometimes your body plateaus. Try upping calories a bit or switching up the exercise routines.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I have lost 40 pounds and I definitely don't eat clean. I do avoid sodas and drive thrus but I eat the foods I like including a little junk food now and then. Maybe you just need to change up your routine. You didn't say what your calorie intake has been but if it has been very low you might want to check the "eat more to lose weight" threads. I try to change my exercise routine at least every two months and I try to always eat at least my BMR and eat back enough exercise calories to net 1200.
  • tris2002
    tris2002 Posts: 95 Member
    i've lost 20 pounds without clean eating. I try to make smarter choices but don't deprive myself of the things i want. If i want some type of junk food i just watch my portions and eat it and go on with my day :0)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Yep. I have DiGiorno pizza at least once a week, Knorr rice sides, lots of pasta and breads, lots of pre-made sauces, dressings and marinades.
  • smithhm12
    smithhm12 Posts: 23
    I don't do clean eating at all. All I focuss on is meeting my calorie and fat goal for the day. I am losing about 2 pounds a week consistantly. Maybe you could try eating more calories. I have heard a lot of people say when they up their calorie intake when at a stand still the weight starts to come off again. Just a suggestion. :) Good luck! :happy:
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    I still eat pretty much the same stuff I did before I started my Revolution, but just less of it...and I try really hard to eat more fruits and vegetables but it's a struggle for me! I like the dirty stuff...
    I am getting better though...every day.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    i don't eat "clean" and I think i've done alright!
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    A couple years ago, I was on Nutrisystem. That program is nowhere near close to "eating clean." However, I managed to lose about 70 pounds following the plan. I say do what is working for your body and your budget - whether you're watching GI levels, eating clean or just strictly your calorie intake.

    As for me, I have cut out a lot of processed foods and am trying to eat more fresh, homecooked meals. Being vegan, it can be difficult to not eat anything processed (i.e. tofu) - however, I am learning to add more beans and lentils into my diet (along with quinoa).
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Ok cutting out all the fads and bull****. Losing weight is a matter of simple maths. Consume less calories than you burn in energy consistently and you will lose weight, even if every calorie is pizza and chips...

    This of course is not healthy but it is a fact. You may want to shake up your diet a bit with new foods and ideas to stop the boredom but honestly a slow down or plateau is more likely to be because you are not logging and weighing everything because you think you 'know' your cals and portion sizes.

    I have lost 8 stones and kept it off for 4 years now, with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise but honestly it is just simple maths, eat less cals than you burn and you WILL lose weight. simple...
    Jules xx
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    I've lost 38 lbs so far and while I do a lot of cooking with 'real food' sometimes I do enjoy a can of soup or a ready meal. Doesn't make me a bad person.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Calories are calories but I do think veggies help since they are low calories and can help stretch your food and fill you up.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've lost all of my weight eating the stuff that I love. Do I eat less of it? Absolutely. Don't get me wrong, there are foods I no longer eat but I don't eat them because they don't make me feel good when I do. I still eat stuff out of boxes, I eat stuff out of cans. I work full time, have two teenagers and a life... I don't want to work til 5 or 6pm and then have to come home and come up with some delicious homemade dinner. Add in that I am a sweet a holic who refuses to give up her daily cookies.

    I am very healthy (my blood work and other tests are "excellent") AND I enjoy my life. That is what a "lifestyle change" is supposed to be about.. eating less, eating better but still enjoying life.

    Do what works for YOU.
  • clumsymofro
    clumsymofro Posts: 52 Member
    People are really scared of processed foods because there is so much sodium in them. Well, this can really be a big issue if you are seriously overweight and have high blood pressure already. But, if you are overweight, have some weight to loss and don't have any issues with high blood pressure, it's not something that you have to worry about as much. This is coming from the mouth of a nutritionist, so the biggest thing, like everyone is saying, is to try and eat a little better, watch your calories, fat and portions but you don't have to completely cut out processed foods. I've lost over 100 lbs in about 2 yrs and I continue to eat processed foods such as ranch dressing, frozen dinners, lean pockets, etc. :)
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    Clean definitely works for some people but I've never really done it and I've lost 75lbs. I think it's something we should all try to do at least sometimes but like a lot of other commenters, I eat the same as before but smaller amounts/fewer times a month and with lots more green things!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Yes I lost weight without being a 100% clean eater, which I feel that is impossible anyhow. I would say I am a 70/30 eater. 70% meaning I eat lotsssssss of fresh stuff through out the day, everyday. 30% meaning I still eat 'processed foods', cereal, crackers, bread, protein bars, drink packets, etc.

    I try to eat fresh as much as possible and luckily I like the fresh stuff but I still like some processed food too. I'm human. :wink: