bjkleck Member


  • Hi Sandy...we are in the same goal is to get off 75 pounds...this will be a long hard battle...hope we can encourage each other along the way....I have lost over 18 pounds so far...just started using this web site and finding it very watch what I am eating. i started using the 17 day diet..but was so…
  • Hi...I am new here...just a week...but am finding it very helpful...wanting to meet new people. If you need some friends to help..add me.
  • Looking for helpers on my journey to get this weight off...I have a big wedding coming up in 18 months and want to get in shape.
  • Just joined and I need the help also...I have a long way to go...we can help each other. I have my daughters wedding in 18 months and want to get in shape
  • Trying to loose for a wedding also...only I need to get a bit more than 15 lbs off of me....we can help each other
  • just joined 3 days ago...I also am over 50 and need to get some pounds off...WE CAN DO THIS.