

  • hi im new to this program and have some concerns and need advice. Ive been following along the 1200 calorie intake per day limit and havnt been cheating and recording everything i do and eat. my question is why havent i lost any weight? i cant excercise just yet but maybe in two weeks due to foot surgery. what can i do to…
  • im very new to this program and ive been sticking with this now for 15 or so days now. logging everything i eat, do, and keeping under my 1200 calorie goal. why am i still not loosing the weight? what can i do? excercising is out for another 2 weeks due to foot surgery. what advice does anyone have?
  • Im new to this online dieting fitness pal. im on a 1200 calorie/day as well. its only been 1 week but thats where i start to get discouraged if i dont see results... any ideas on how to stick with it and to motivate my self more? im about to have foot surgry and so excersising is out for at least 3 more weeks.....