New to the message boards, not MFP

Hey there! I'm a newbie to the forums, but I've been using MFP for about 6 months. My SW in 2010 was 278lbs, my CW is 185. I've hit a spot where I'm lacking motivation and support. Guess that's why I'm hitting the message boards...

I hope all is well, anyone in AZ?


  • Crystal_LeeDee
    Congrats on your weight loss so far...that is awesome! Not from AZ, but I'm always open to more mfp friends. :)
  • Rachel1112
    Rachel1112 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! I don't mind adding new friends on MFP :) I am just hoping to find someone local who might be interested in working out.. Thank you for your support.
  • sherrylutz77
    hi im new to this program and have some concerns and need advice. Ive been following along the 1200 calorie intake per day limit and havnt been cheating and recording everything i do and eat. my question is why havent i lost any weight? i cant excercise just yet but maybe in two weeks due to foot surgery. what can i do to make the scale move?
  • Rachel1112
    Rachel1112 Posts: 3 Member
    1200 calories seems pretty low. Maybe you are not eating enough? Are you staying hydrated? I'm not sure what your starting weight is, I know that even with a slightly active lifestyle, and a cw of 185 I'm supposed to eat around 1600 calories a day.
  • jettyib1
    jettyib1 Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome, I am in Taylor Az.
  • Crystal_LeeDee
    3 major things I've noticed with my weight loss journey so far is......
    1. water intake....I really can tell the difference when I don't drink enough water.
    2. Sodium......ugh, salt is not my friend lol. When I've went over, I definitely feel it.
    3. Not enough calories......when I started my journey I was following the 1200 calories a day mfp said. I did lose at first but stalled out fairly quick. I started going by fat2fit method and now I get 1649 calories a day and I'm losing weight very consistently. It was scary at first to think about eating more calories to lose weight...but it sure worked. Everyone is different though & it really does take some time to find that magic number/routine that works.