gildedliberty Member


  • I think these answers in a FAQ answer this well. *Myth: Women will get bulky if they lift heavy things* While some things are different for women than they are for men (where your body tends to store fat, how quickly you'll lose body fat, how quickly you'll add muscle, etc.) pretty much everything in this FAQ applies…
  • I'd like to ask a question. Why are men different than women for gifts? If you asked this about women, would generic things apply to you? Do you want flowers, chocolate, and jewelry every single time you get a gift? I'm guessing the answer is no; you are an individual. Sometimes, something completely different is what…
  • No, no. You've got it all wrong. You need to use this weird old tip to make the cookies negative calories. CLICK HERE!
  • Nerd-hat on: In TNG, "The Price," Troi orders a sundae. Here's what happens: TROI: Transfer the letters from my mother to the viewscreen. And, computer, I would like a real chocolate sundae. COMPUTER: Define real in context, please. TROI: Real. Not one of your perfectly synthesised, ingeniously enhanced imitations. I would…