Star Trek



  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Did you know the lady who played nurse chapel in the original series eventually married Gene Rodenberry the creater of star trek...AND she is the computer voice of the enterprise! Some interesting trivia for you....
  • gildedliberty
    gildedliberty Posts: 4 Member
    Nerd-hat on: In TNG, "The Price," Troi orders a sundae. Here's what happens:
    TROI: Transfer the letters from my mother to the viewscreen. And, computer, I would like a real chocolate sundae.
    COMPUTER: Define real in context, please.
    TROI: Real. Not one of your perfectly synthesised, ingeniously enhanced imitations. I would like real chocolate ice cream, real whipped cream
    COMPUTER: This unit is programmed to provide sources of acceptable nutritional value. Your request does not fall within current guidelines. Please indicate whether you wish to override the specified programme?

    So, you could extrapolate that the replicators have built-in mechanisms to monitor diet and nutrition. I think, also, we're meant to believe that in the enlightened future, people have a different relationship with food and are naturally inclined to eat more healthily.

    I'd like to think so, anyway. Other explanation: because TV. (I don't like that one, though.)
  • JessJessB
    JessJessB Posts: 22 Member
    I'm with everyone who says the replicator makes everything healthy- but here's my question. With all that technology, why are people still having babies vaginally? I'd have expected the transporter childbirth to have been invented at some point... as I jokingly said to my husband when I was pregnant, "Beam out the babies!!"
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    How much fun could you have in one hour of the holodeck? oh baby.......
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I have injured my neck and have been stuck not moving while keeping my neck as straight as possible; while being stuck in a non-moving position, I have been watching Star Trek. I grew up watching these shows and loving them.

    Now that I am older, I still love the shows )as yo can tell by my screen name), but I am finding some amusing trends in the shows. My favorite trend so far....

    In the future, do you get a job if you are over-weight or obese, or do you think you get a transporter tummy tuck before taking a job.

    A few months ago I read a hilarious webcomic panel related to transporter plastic surgery - but I can't find it... :grumble:
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    Did you know the lady who played nurse chapel in the original series eventually married Gene Rodenberry the creater of star trek...AND she is the computer voice of the enterprise! Some interesting trivia for you....

    Yup, Majel Barrett-Roddenberry. She also played Lwaxana Troi (Deanna's mother) :)
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    My hubby-to-be has got me watching Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. Great shows! I always thought they were for "nerds"....I guess I am one of them now. lol
    You made a good point....all of the crew is thin. A few of them might be a little plump (at least the men are), but not too much. I have yet to see a woman who is curvy, though. I wonder if it has something to do with their diet. I wonder if they try to eat too much if the computer denies them food. lol

    Maybe the spandex bdy suits are super spandex that will ine day hold everything together.
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    I suppose the replicators can make healthy low fat food in an instant so it is easy to watch your calories!!

    I though about that...maybe one day we can all eat rice cakes and have replicators program them to look and taste like something bad they couldn't have had replicators in the matrix, then everything would not have needed to taste like chicken. :bigsmile:
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    I always wonder what it is that happens in the future that makes those one piece outfits a practical clothing choice. They seem incredibly inconvenient.

    especially if you had to use the head.
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    Ok, for all you replicators of acceptable nutritional can still over-eat.

    And, just to mention, the sport of choice in TNG!
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I have injured my neck and have been stuck not moving while keeping my neck as straight as possible; while being stuck in a non-moving position, I have been watching Star Trek. I grew up watching these shows and loving them.

    Now that I am older, I still love the shows )as yo can tell by my screen name), but I am finding some amusing trends in the shows. My favorite trend so far....

    In the future, do you get a job if you are over-weight or obese, or do you think you get a transporter tummy tuck before taking a job.

    A few months ago I read a hilarious webcomic panel related to transporter plastic surgery - but I can't find it... :grumble:
    Better late than never...
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    Everyone, in the future, will speak with perfect gramatical correctness- apparenty.
  • Lima_India_Zulu
    When Kes came back in season six of Voyager ("Fury") she had DEFINITELY put on a few pounds!