jljewell Member


  • It is comforting to see how many people are emotional eaters. I'm not alone! I've lost and gained the same 30 lbs so many times I can no longer count. I've tried various fad diets over the last decade including low carb, no wheat/gluten, juice fasting, and eating cereal for two meals with a 'healthy' dinner. This time the…
  • I'd like to start doing yoga. Count me in!
  • I'm in for advice, too. I feel like I've lost enough, and just want to be healthy. But how to transition?
  • I had a similar scenario. I was on here last year, lost weight, and then started having problems with discs. I started all over again last summer. I'm also 5'4", and down from 146 to 133 now. For the first couple of months the scale didn't really move. It was incredibly frustrating, but there were other noticable changes…
  • First, congratulations on taking the first steps to make changes in your life! Second, feel free to add me as I am also a picky eater. I also don't go to the gym, but exercise at home.
  • I don't know about the weight loss, but I've found my balance is vastly improved now that I'm more physically fit, which has allowed me to wear heels comfortably.
  • Sent you a friend request. I work out at home (treadmill, dumbells, bodyweight).
  • I'm going to stick to my calories. We're having Thanksgiving at home and I'm making the turkey roulade from Cooking Light with apples and cranberries, roasted kale, and some homemade dinner rolls. We don't like potatos or gravy, so this works well for us. I'm thinking about making a pie for dessert.
  • I have the same problem! I also have a challenge now finding jeans that fit at the waist/butt that also have room for my more muscled thighs.
  • I sent you a request!
  • I will be 44 on Friday!
  • We all have those times when life gets in the way of the plan. I had one of those same periods a little while ago. I regained over 2 pounds and I was very down on myself. But then I reminded myself that I could lose those pounds again if I just tried. And I've lost those and more. It helped me to realize that my weight…
  • I felt the same way about the jump training (although it was mostly my knees that couldn't hack it), so I took the exercises I found best from 30DS and made them into my own routine. It appears to be working, and I still get a good workout from it. I also don't have to listen to Jillian while doing it.
  • I have a similar relationship with the scale, and found myself compulsively weighing myself daily. To combat that, I put my scale away and will only weigh myself at the health coaching office where I work -- and I can only go there once a month. That will hopefully keep me from obsessing over the number and concentrate on…
  • First I think it would help if we understood your goals. How much weight are you looking to lose? And for what purpose? It may be that what you really want to lose is inches. My first suggestion is to begin tracking your food, if you haven't done so already. What you eat, and how much, is important. I've only been at this…
  • Soon to be 43. I'm also work full time, grad school, and single mom. Feel free to add me!
  • Yesterday was Stage 1, B1, and I have to say that I could barely do the deadlifts or lunges because my legs were still so sore from Monday's squats. Anyone else experience this? Tomorrow night is A2, and I'm wondering if I'll be able to squat.
  • I did it!!! Sorry, I am just sort of excited that I did my first training session. Stage 1, workout A1. My tiny community gym has a squat rack, and a guy there was kind enough to take the enormous weights off the bar so I could do squats. Just with the 45 lb bar today, but Friday I think I can put weight on it as it wasn't…
  • I don't have a lot of weigh to lose either. In fact, I've stopped focusing on the scale and started measuring inches lost instead. Today I start a weight lifting program for the first time. I'm a little nervous about it, but from all my reading it appears the best way to get stronger and gain lean muscle as I lose fat.…
  • Yes, I've been using Zumba Fitness for PS3. The benefit to doing it at home with a game system is no one can see me making a fool out of myself. It is good cardio because you don't stop moving.
    in Zumba?! Comment by jljewell August 2012
  • I'm right there with you. As my weight loss is less (30 lbs) I decided to reward myself every 5 with something small like new workout shoes, or a certain amount of money for clothes shopping. I also put in rewards related to my hobbies. I knit, so a reward is yarn for a project. My final reward when I reach goal weight is…
  • I donate clothes, but with some of my work clothes I consign them to help fund the new wardrobe.
  • I'm a mom in grad school and working full time, and I get up early to do one workout (Zumba with the Playstation3 or go for my Couch to 5K program), and then a second workout late in the evening (30DS). I didn't think I had time, but I made it. Working out before bed has cured my insomnia!
  • I can relate. My daughter does ballet, and she has to be in ballet classes 5+ hours a week, and stretches every day to increase flexibility. And here I am sitting on the sofa reminding her to stretch!
  • I'm 42, too. 43 in November, and like you I feel old, fat, and frumpy. I've joined and left this site multiple times in the past year, but I've been sticking it out for 10 days now and I'm making some progress. Add me as a friend and we can support each other through this! We're too young to be frumpy!