

  • Tiffany, My weight loss goals seem close but are so far away LOL! 70+ pounds to lose is hard work, but I'm finally ready to put in the work & I can;t wait to see all of our progress so we can celebrate together! I added you as a friend so we can motivate each other thanks for your support!
    in Hello =D Comment by ieeree7 July 2012
  • Hello, I'm new here and I'm trying to lose weight too. My name is Ieesha and I'm 22. I weigh about 234lbs and my overall goal weight is 150-160lbs. I have the Insanity workout DVDs but I cannot seem to stick with the exercises or follow the nutrition, but this time around I'm focused and ready for change! I wish you luck…
    in Hello =D Comment by ieeree7 July 2012