Hello =D

Hey guys!
I have used MyFitnessPal for about a year but just getting serious.
I just wanted to introduce myself!
My name is Tiffany, I am 19 years old, 5"7' and 285 lbs. I graduated high school in 2010 and have gained over 20lbs due to working at a job that I sat on my butt all day and driving everywhere and just being an adult with no activity. I have always been a heavy set girl but now it is becoming ridiculous to a point where the confidence I used to have as a big girl has diminished plus I want to be healthier! Healthy is the new sexy lol

I am transferring to a University next month where I will be living on my own and REALLY able to take charge in what I eat, so my first goal is to 250 which I was in High School. Cannot wait to meet some cool people on here that want to lose weight or already losing the weight!:smile::smile: :wink:


  • ieeree7
    ieeree7 Posts: 2
    Hello, I'm new here and I'm trying to lose weight too. My name is Ieesha and I'm 22. I weigh about 234lbs and my overall goal weight is 150-160lbs. I have the Insanity workout DVDs but I cannot seem to stick with the exercises or follow the nutrition, but this time around I'm focused and ready for change! I wish you luck on your journey!
  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi there Tiffany! :) Welcome to mfp, its an amazing site! I really wish I would have known about it sooner. There is always people here to help motivate and support you! Add me as a friend and we can help each other through this weight loss journey! The more friends, the merrier! :)
  • TiffanyCza
    TiffanyCza Posts: 30 Member
    Hey Ieesha!
    Well the good thing about it is that you are not that far from your weight goal!
    I wish I was that close to my initial goal but my best friend did Insanity without the nutrition because she found it on internet websites. I wanted to do Insanity but I was going to wait till I get to a smaller size.
    I completely understand that this time around is THE time around =) so good luck on your journey too hun
  • ieeree7
    ieeree7 Posts: 2
    My weight loss goals seem close but are so far away LOL! 70+ pounds to lose is hard work, but I'm finally ready to put in the work & I can;t wait to see all of our progress so we can celebrate together! I added you as a friend so we can motivate each other thanks for your support!
  • TiffanyCza
    TiffanyCza Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you! I have used it before but this time I am serious to really make this change.
    But thank you so much, I really want to use the message board unlike last time!
  • TiffanyCza
    TiffanyCza Posts: 30 Member
    You're right ! And hecks yeah, I will add you right now.