

  • I hope you feel better soon. Praying for a speedy recovering.
  • When I do not have an appetite, I try to get my calories in liquid form. It seems to help me. I've always been able to drink more than I can eat. You may want to try a nutritional homemade shake/smoothie, ensure or juice.
  • Didn't know you could have your dairy open. Now that's accountability! :)
  • Count me in! You are doing a great job btw. You seem like a man on a mission. :)
  • Accountability partners are so helpful. That's why I started blogging today. Even if no one else reads it... I put it out there. I've been impressed by your commitment to the P90X program. Once I can train myself to eat enough, I want to start the Insanity program. I'm trying to gain/maintain weight and build muscle.…
  • Try supersets and maybe a calisthenic combo. Supersets are also a time saver especially on the days you don't have a lot of time to exercise. Supersetting is a method in which you do two exercises, one after the other, with no rest in between. The exercises can be for the same muscle group or two different muscle groups.…
  • I just found this app/website and I'm excited that I'm not the only female trying to gain weight. I have been battling with gaining weight for most of my life. I'm tall and thin so people really don't what to hear me say that I hate being skinny. So, I've been battling this issue alone. I would love to have some support…