Need some workout buddies!

Hi everyone. I've been using the site since February for nutrition and boy has it kept me honest about what I eat. Since then I've cut out the junk food and have nearly eliminated the processed foods from my diet. I have been tracking my P90X workouts since February because the site is great for integrating calories burned with food intake. Just finished my workout for day 36. I've lost a little over 20 lbs since January and I am working on 15 more. I also went through the rehab process for a discectomey in my neck in 2011 so staying fit is a must! I'd like to get some friends out there to keep me accountable and help with some positive motivation now and then.


  • cglyfer
    cglyfer Posts: 119
    Feel free to add me DJ...sounds like you are doing great!!!
  • angellabc
    Accountability partners are so helpful. That's why I started blogging today. Even if no one else reads it... I put it out there. I've been impressed by your commitment to the P90X program. Once I can train myself to eat enough, I want to start the Insanity program. I'm trying to gain/maintain weight and build muscle. Btw... please know that each time an accomplishment is logged, it helps someone else. I know it helps me and keeps me encouraged.
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Shoot me an Add bro, My food diary is open, and I log my workouts all the time.... this site is awesome
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    Feel free to add me!! Great work so far!! I'm doing the Insanity program now and loving it...trying to decrease my body fat and gain some muscle!! :)
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    Feel free to add me as a fit pal. I have a monthly co-op challenge I started in April that might be the kind of motivation you're looking for. Check out the blog post for April's and you can follow how things have gone so far. If you're interested in May you can definitely come aboard. Looking for a few new people who are serious about achieving their own personal fit goals.
  • angellabc
    Count me in! You are doing a great job btw. You seem like a man on a mission. :)
  • angellabc
    Didn't know you could have your dairy open. Now that's accountability! :)
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    add me to your list of friends .. im also doing p90x.