jenlaura Member


  • I make frapps at work regularly and you do need to use milk, you could also be using too much ice
  • How much going over are we talking about here over maintenance calories? It won't hurt your efforts much, just don't weigh yourself for a good few days.
  • Thanks for the fantastic replies. I really think it would help me a LOT to get some clothes that fit me properly, I have size 16 clothes when I am actually pretty close to a 10 in UK size clothes. Not very flattering. I feel like if I look more respectable and feel good about myself I will start respecting my body again…
  • I know how you feel, I used to binge every 3 days. I'd be good as gold for 2 days then binge on the 3rd. Keeping it all out of the house is a good idea and finding different alternatives. I have a low calorie hot chocolate that tastes good that usually gets rid of the cravings. Tell yourself you can have it later. You…
  • Hi there! Good decision to start changing your lifestyle. Some people might question you doing the whole meal replacement shake thing but honestly? Last April I did the same thing to kick start my journey and it worked (for me) the only thing I truly regret about it is I am pretty convinced I lost muscle mass doing that…
  • Thought I would do an update here! I took my measurements today after just 2 weeks and I have lost 2 inches from my abdomen, 2 inches from my hips, 0.5 inches from my waist, 1 inch from my thigh and half an inch from my forearm! I am delighted as I am also gaining muscle and can visibly see it from my training for the past…
  • Thought I would post this for some clarification, or see if it would help. This was given to me by my personal trainer. Monday - Lower Body Box Jumps (Ascending Height) - 3 x 10 Back Squat 5 x 5 (75%1RM) Slow Eccentric Back Squat 5x5 (Squat down in 6seconds, explode up fast) (30sec rest between sets) Dumbbell Jump Squats-…
  • First, thank you for responding, I felt like I got my lines crossed somewhere and I think you have found them for me, I'll answer your questions now. 3x weekly 45 minutes each, they are 5x5 sets for my squats, deadlifts, bench press. Some of my exercises are 3x10 but not many mainly things like box jumps and leg press…
  • Would definitely look into a gym membership, but until then body weight exercise videos would benefit you if you are a beginner. There are plenty on youtube and what not. Give some of those a shot if they feel too easy, add weight
  • Hi there, I would really recommend getting a personal trainer. I was wondering this around a month ago and I got one to do me a routine and it has been such a good investment. It really depends on what your goals are, if you want to do a mix of cardio and weights maybe try something like, 10mins warm up (via light cardio)…
  • Can honestly say I never thought of it like that. You have me convinced :) Thank you for your help.
  • Is their information truly that valuable? by no means am I questioning you or anything, but is there nothing I can research online and get some background information on etc, any books I can read and try to simply use their time as form check and as and when I need to shuffle things around?
  • It's a cost I couldn't keep up though most likely. It would be a now and again thing to make sure I am progressing I think, unless I am willing to chisel some money somewhere out of my wages.
  • Understood. I will speak with a personal trainer on this in more detail. I am looking at stronglifts and it does look promising. I will watch some videos on form and try to get some feedback. The only tough part of the personal trainer is paying them £30-40 an hour for the program, but it's a small price to pay if it's…
  • With the other user who likes zoodles. Fantastic don't go anymore than 2 minutes on them. You can also buy a cheap julienne peeler from ebay easily. One of my favourite meals are zoodles, spinach and smoked haddock with a homemade butter/light cream and garlic sauce. Yum! Also cauliflower rice. Amazing.
  • Sorry my diary isn't open, but I work night shift (11pm-8am) I'm pretty active in my role, I'm not sure what your job entails but I will tell you what I do. I generally pack a healthy "lunch" type of food like a pitta bread with some chicken etc to have on my biggest break (my shift is 9-10 hours) and then some fruit/nuts…
  • Hi, thanks for your reply. I have around another 30lbs to lose ideally so I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. I am going to the doctors later today (unrelated, but I might just bring it up with them too) I suppose it could be down to a lot of things, water weight, potential period on it's way etc. I haven't lost…