

  • OK. There are several things I would like to do and I just checked out the techno section on the message board and I still don't get it. I use computers everyday at work but not like this so this stuff is tough for me. I'll work on one thing at a time: first thing I'd like to accomplish is to put one of those ticker/weigh…
  • Happy Saturday. OK, I'm a virgin to MFP blogs and I have no clue how to do this. I really want to be on a team for my new journey into better health and weight loss = I need friends here! Thanks GREEN Team for picking me up. So I'll post this here and someone can hopefully help me figure out the right way and right place…
  • PLAN AHEAD...that's what I did today. Thanks!
  • I'm sorry you feel blue but I think you have much to celebrate...YOU ARE 6.5 POUNDS LIGHTER! I'm brand new at this site and I think you are fantastic for trying and succeeding. I personally think it's worth celebrating when I don't gain anything, so in my opinion it's a HUGE celebration for losing anything, especially 6.5…
  • Way to go Becky! What's your one best piece of advice for a NEWsie (day 3 for me)? Saturday's ARE sweet.
  • Hi. I'm new too and I can't even figure out how to introduce myself. When I try I keep getting Reply to Topic.....maybe that's where I'm suppose to do my intro?!? I didn't have trouble logging food and exercise, but trying to introduce myself just isn't working. What am I doing wrong? Oh, I almost forgot, welcome!
    in HI im new!! Comment by ramb May 2009
  • I want to go green but I have no clue how to. I'm brand new here and I want to join a team and find some supportive friends.....just don't know how to do much of anything other than enter my food and exercise, and I'm pretty slow at that. MFP seems like a good thing!
  • I'm new here and this recipe looks too good to be true...I'm a chocolate freak so I will be baking up some soon.....thanks!
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