

  • I used to do that in college too. and i still stay up til 12 or 1 and used to want to feel full before i went to bed which is TERRIBLE as it turns mostly into fat when ur metabolism is SO slow at night. One time i didnt eat after 8 and lost a ton of weight, ive never been like over 15-20 lbs overweight but that helped...…
  • I dont think its taking you a long time. It seems like your doing it the right, healthy way. You joined in Feb and lost 5 lbs a month. It takes a long time to put the weight on... same coming off. Good job!
  • Are you doing any weight work? If so your losing fat in inches and gaining muscle in weight. Its the ideal situation.
  • Yeah that hoarding thing is a reality but seems strange. So might low self esteem. I see that your motivation is to be more confident and feel good about yourself. If you don't feel good about yourself many people eat to fill a void and food does make us feel better to a point. Once you start losing and feel better you may…
    in Binge Eating Comment by Beau815 May 2009
  • running is the only thing I have ever done that you see improvements every time you do it. Next time you will be able to go longer, youll see.
  • Hi Clinton here! new too. Good Luck!
  • Hi! I like the forum. Very nice. Great tools. Beats writing everything down. Great way to keep yourself in check!