Bransonlee Member


  • Anyone doing their lifting at home? I am and always wish I could use a machine instead of doing pullovers. They kill me ;)
  • I just re-started yesterday! :) I did this over a year ago and LOVED it until getting my mom through cancer treatments derailed me. I have been trying to focus on cardio lately, and realized that I don't love cardio, but I DO love lifting so I need to get back to what I will stick with. Glad to see some other newbies here…
  • I lift heavy at home and I live in an apartment without tons of extra space... if you really want results you can make it work at home. Someday maybe a gym will be in my budget but I am not going to waste time waiting for that day ;)
  • I think what she means is that she is having trouble eating enough to get to a healthy net calorie number. I know when I have really high burns I feel like I have to eat all day sometimes ;) What are some good high calorie foods for people who want to eat clean?
  • Hope everyone had a great weekend! I had a hard time doing 2 days off and a real rest day today, but I am hoping it makes my lifting fierce tomorrow, lol!
  • I was having trouble with prone jackknifes at the end of workout A so a mfp friend suggested moving them earlier. Did that today and I rocked them and was able to do everything else too! Was just too fatigued saving them for the end... Stepups kill my stamina, lol
  • Haha I said the same thing about barbell squats to my brother-in-law ;)
  • I finished week one today and thought I would see what you experienced gals thought :) I was a little sore still this morning, but didn't feel any real pain during the workout. I absolutely know not to push through real pain, and never felt anything abnormal. But after, when I was stretching, my triceps felt like they were…
  • I just finished my first week :) I do light yoga on lifting days, then some cardio (walking dvds) on off days. Worked out well this week, although I know later in the program that might change. Definitely looking forward to a 2-day break this weekend... I am sooo sore today after my second A workout ;) Good luck!!
  • Thanks for the welcome, ladies! Melissa - I do have a bench so I was able to do the pullovers there, but had to go grab my little 8lb dumbells because 15 was too heavy, lol. So I think 15 is great I am very much a numbers girl, so I like the AMRAP idea. I always get excited when I go do a walk I did at the beginning of my…
  • I just did my first B workout of stage one today and am wondering if anyone else is doing it at home? The modification for the pulldown was killer!! Overestimated my starting weight on that one, lol.
  • I started Monday as well! Found workout B today to be a bit tougher! I have to do it at home being a stay-at-home mom though... no gym in our budget and our small town gym doesn't have day care anyway. Loving it so far!
  • I have been lurking for a week or so now and thought I would say hello :) Today is my first B workout of stage 1 (total newbie) but I love this program already! Totally inspired when I read all of your progress! You ladies rock!
  • I am just getting started, but so far I have found that it really does make you hungrier, lol. So I am moderately raising my calories and listening to my body... The nutrition part of the book lost me when he started talking about artificial sweeteners being ok. I have worked really hard to clean up my eating and I am…
  • Does this group still exist? Link doesn't seem to work :)