Stage 1



  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Here I am!!!!

    Daisy congrats on the coup!!! A new gym and not a long wait to start there!! AWESOME!

    Deadlifts - 100
    Shoulder press 21 dbells
    Lat pull downs - 65
    Lunges - 21 dbells
    Swissball crunches - holding 10 lbs, 1 set of 20, 1 set of 25.

    Digby, my starting weights were very low. Lunges and squats at body weight only, step ups with 6 lb dumbbells, lats at 25 and shoulder presses were 5lb dbs. Lift what you can... if you can't lift it take a bit of weight off, if it feels too easy, add weight. It's real easy to over think this, but it's a pretty simple concept, if you can let it be!

    Melissa - if you add 15 what does that make your deadlifts?

    Thank you and wow! 100lbs deadlift is amazing! And it is also so encouraging to see your starting weights. Some of them are fairly similar to mine. Can't wait to be deadlifting the 100lbs :smile:
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Congratulations Daisy..cant wait till you report back to us about using the squat rack!

    Hey Sue! If I go up that'll put my deadlifts at 100lb...boy does that # sound scary. last lift was 85 so we'll see. If it doesnt feel right I will go down asap!
  • Bransonlee
    Bransonlee Posts: 16 Member
    I just did my first B workout of stage one today and am wondering if anyone else is doing it at home? The modification for the pulldown was killer!! Overestimated my starting weight on that one, lol.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I am all done Stage 1 - not doing AMRAP, though...I am too impatient :grumble: I am going to wait until Sunday to start Stage 2. I figured that is almost a week and with the break from vacation I figured that is sufficient. I am also very sad to move off of this board...I will be stalking it daily! I have peeked over to Stage 2 board and it doesn't seem as active as this one. Maybe I should continue on Stage 1 so we can all move together ;)

    Daisy, YAY on the new gym!!

    Yay for those that increased weights (Sue & Melissa, I think)...I can't see the previous posts like normal because I posted reply too fast and now editied...

    I plan on taking measurements tomorrow morning and I will post my results YAY! I have pictures on my computer from my first day so I am hoping that the pictures will be something I can "see" the difference on since the scale has not reflected a change. It's hard to get out of that mentality.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Welcome Bransonlee :)
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Welcome Bransonlee! I work out at home. I just did B last night and really felt that pullover. I was previously doing it on the floor and yesterday did it on an ottoman and I felt it so much more. Mad at myself that it took me so long to improvise. I have 2 more B workouts so I'll see if I can increase the weight. I did 2 15lb's

    Amanda you will be missed!!! I was also looking at the stage 2 board and they are not as active :-( I have a ways to go before 2 tho and by the time I get there you'll be on to Stage 3. The stages are all much shorter than this long drawn out stage.
    I was also wondering what was the point of AMRAPS? To see how far we've progressed? Thats kind of apparent in our weight increases. I'll do it just to stay true to the program but to be honest my starting weights were so light that I may just go one indefinitely, lol

    Could only go up to 90 on my DL yesterday. did 6@100 and had to come down. progress is progress tho :-)
  • Bransonlee
    Bransonlee Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, ladies!

    Melissa - I do have a bench so I was able to do the pullovers there, but had to go grab my little 8lb dumbells because 15 was too heavy, lol. So I think 15 is great

    I am very much a numbers girl, so I like the AMRAP idea. I always get excited when I go do a walk I did at the beginning of my journey and can just blow my beginning time out of the water :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Another workout B done. I thought I didn't like B but have changed my mind. And enjoying constantly raising the weights - although it is a pain finding them dotted around the gym!!! The Swiss balls had all mysteriously disappeared today too.

    I find I really have to push to motivate myself if I leave it three days between workouts. But tonight was good. I was exhausted from a lot of driving but glad I went. Could have done all the workouts twice though!!!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I finished my last "real" Stage 1 workout last night. Now I just have the 2 AMRAP workouts to go....will probably do them Mon/Wed next week, then I can take pics and post my results. Very proud of hitting a new deadlift PR last night of 115lbs. Woohoo!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Morning ladies & TGIF!

    Congratulation Ebay!
    Ive seen some of your results and they look amazing!
  • Welcome Bransonlee! I totally agree with you! I can't wait to do to do the AMRAPs to see how far I've come, because I'm not sure I'll see much of a difference in my body or the fit of my clothes... =/ but I'll go the whole nine yards and get the measurements and pictures and yada yada blah blah blah.. ^^;

    This is exciting!! I can't wait to see everyone's results! They're always so inspiring and they make me look forward to how I might change throughout this process. =D Congratulations to all who have finished, and don't worry about the Stage 2 thread being so empty, it'll liven up once we all hit the scene. X3
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    Hi ladies! I just bought the book last month and FINALLY worked up the courage to go into the weight section at the gym. I just completed Workout A/#2 using a barbell to squat with. I used to do bodyweight squats with a trainer quite frequently, but squatting with a barbell is SO much different and i feel like such a bad@$$ :-)

    Anyway, I did that on Thursday morning and my forearms are very sore!! Has that happened to anyone else??! I know soreness is normal, I just didn't think I was using my forearms that much! haha.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Hi ladies! I just bought the book last month and FINALLY worked up the courage to go into the weight section at the gym. I just completed Workout A/#2 using a barbell to squat with. I used to do bodyweight squats with a trainer quite frequently, but squatting with a barbell is SO much different and i feel like such a bad@$$ :-)

    Anyway, I did that on Thursday morning and my forearms are very sore!! Has that happened to anyone else??! I know soreness is normal, I just didn't think I was using my forearms that much! haha.

    My forearms were very sore when I first started weight lifting last October. They haven't been sore since! Your body should adjust to that pretty quickly. Isn't squatting with the barbell awesome!!!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I finished my last "real" Stage 1 workout last night. Now I just have the 2 AMRAP workouts to go....will probably do them Mon/Wed next week, then I can take pics and post my results. Very proud of hitting a new deadlift PR last night of 115lbs. Woohoo!

    Great job!!!!! I'm not sure if I'll do that AMRAP. I think I would be in the gym FOREVER and I already make the trainers mad by actually (God forbid) using the free weights as a WOMAN. Maybe if I had a group of female cheerleaders/fellow weight lifters with me...

    Right now, my deadlift weight and squat weight is the same. It's killing/amusing me at the same time! Squats caught up crazy fast.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Did another S1A today. I'm really glad I stayed here beyond the actual 8th workout. Today I squated 80#! It felt GREAT! Not sure I could have done more weight but I did 3 sets of 8 instead of 2. Actually I did 3 sets of everything. I didn't increase my barbell rows (I don't have the row machine so I do these instead of seated rows). I still have a really tough time staying in form and pulling that 65#s up to my chest. My pushups were deeper - still not down far enough but better each time. Step-ups went up to 21# dbs and my prone jackknifes were killers! My abs are still complaining! YES!

    I'm away all weekend thru late Monday night - going to hang out with my sisters and then to a surprise bridal shower for my only niece! Can't wait for this family time, it's been way too long! Hope you all have an awesome weekend!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi ladies! I just bought the book last month and FINALLY worked up the courage to go into the weight section at the gym. I just completed Workout A/#2 using a barbell to squat with. I used to do bodyweight squats with a trainer quite frequently, but squatting with a barbell is SO much different and i feel like such a bad@$$ :-)

    Anyway, I did that on Thursday morning and my forearms are very sore!! Has that happened to anyone else??! I know soreness is normal, I just didn't think I was using my forearms that much! haha.

    OMG you're using them a whole lot. Think about it, those muscles are the ones that help your hands hold onto the bars. Everytime you increase weight you're asking more from them. Mine hurt too when I first started. They will get stronger as the rest of you does.
  • Bransonlee
    Bransonlee Posts: 16 Member
    Hi ladies! I just bought the book last month and FINALLY worked up the courage to go into the weight section at the gym. I just completed Workout A/#2 using a barbell to squat with. I used to do bodyweight squats with a trainer quite frequently, but squatting with a barbell is SO much different and i feel like such a bad@$$ :-)

    Anyway, I did that on Thursday morning and my forearms are very sore!! Has that happened to anyone else??! I know soreness is normal, I just didn't think I was using my forearms that much! haha.

    Haha I said the same thing about barbell squats to my brother-in-law ;)
  • Bransonlee
    Bransonlee Posts: 16 Member
    I was having trouble with prone jackknifes at the end of workout A so a mfp friend suggested moving them earlier. Did that today and I rocked them and was able to do everything else too! Was just too fatigued saving them for the end... Stepups kill my stamina, lol
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Morning ladies
    Hope that everyone is having/had a great weekend!

    Bransonlee Step ups do sap your energy!! I had to substitute my step ups last night for deadlifts because I cut the underside of my big toe on an escalator..ughh! My workout felt sort of incomplete with them. I had way too much energy after I was done. I dread and love step ups at the same time. I think holding the weight tires your arms and throws your jackknives off so kudos to you for switching it up and getting the most bang for you buck of the workout

    Congrats Sue on upping your squat weight! feels good right. I decided to invest in squat stands O_O
    taking the plunge cuz my squat weight is really suffering. I'll keep you guys posted
    Have a great weekend. Surprise Bridal shower sounds awesome

    Selfhelp yup Forearms were goes away tho :-)

    Barbell rows is at 75 and I actually busted out 8 T push ups with an 8lb weight ladies. gotta work on form and they really sapped my strength BUT I felt like and elite athlete (NOT) doing those. lol
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Morning ladies
    Hope that everyone is having/had a great weekend!

    Bransonlee Step ups do sap your energy!! I had to substitute my step ups last night for deadlifts because I cut the underside of my big toe on an escalator..ughh! My workout felt sort of incomplete with them. I had way too much energy after I was done. I dread and love step ups at the same time. I think holding the weight tires your arms and throws your jackknives off so kudos to you for switching it up and getting the most bang for you buck of the workout

    Congrats Sue on upping your squat weight! feels good right. I decided to invest in squat stands O_O
    taking the plunge cuz my squat weight is really suffering. I'll keep you guys posted
    Have a great weekend. Surprise Bridal shower sounds awesome

    Selfhelp yup Forearms were goes away tho :-)

    Barbell rows is at 75 and I actually busted out 8 T push ups with an 8lb weight ladies. gotta work on form and they really sapped my strength BUT I felt like and elite athlete (NOT) doing those. lol

    Just stopping by for a stalking...I mean for a hello!!

    Congrats on those t-pushups!!! I had a heII of a time w/them today on Stage 2. I think my whole mojo was off. Congrats on the squat stand too :)