Stage 1



  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I would have thought that, but like I said, it's really hard to hurt yourself with a lat pull down and he didn't comment on any of the men struggling with their last reps. And since I saw him later struggling with his reps, I know he knows what it's like to have to push through that last 1 or 2.

    There are little weights you can add to the machine to split between the two pin weights. If 70 is too easy and 85 is too hard, each little weight is 5 lbs. So you can rest a weight on top of the 70 for a total of 75. Or two weights for a total of 80. I looked all over google and couldn't find a picture so I hope you can understand what I mean!
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    I would have stood by the machine and say, "Too heavy?" Actually, when he made that comment, I probably would have said, "Did I ask for your opinion? No? Keep it to yourself."
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Finished 6B on Sunday.

    Deadlifts: Stayed at 100# two sets of 10 one set of 7
    Shoulder Press: Stuck at 15# each (could not even lift the 20s up to my shoulder :P) three sets of 10
    Lat pull: Finally progressed to 50#. Three sets of 10
    Lunges: 25# three sets of 10
    Crunches: I did the first two sets with a 10# medicine ball over head and felt NOTHING. The last set I just did hands behind head until it burned.

    Looking forward to doing 7A tonight!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Woooohoooo! Finished stage 1, 8B last night. Taking a week off from lifting before starting stage 2. Also decided to eat at maintenance for two weeks in an effort to help reset my hormone levels to pre-caloric deficit levels (I've been eating at a deficit since late November (went to Disney), and then prior to that since July/August). I guess it's good to do this every 12-16 weeks or so, so as not to stress out those hormones. A little scary for me...since I've gained 2-3 lbs during these last six weeks of NROL. :/ Hoping to see those pounds fall off during my week break as the excess water goes away.

    So final numbers for my B (posted A's results the other day) are:
    Deads: 55 ----> 125 lbs
    DB shoulder press: 30 (15 each) ---> 50 (25 each) lbs
    Wide-grip lat pulldown: 50 ---> 85+13 lb bar (98 lbs)
    Lunge: 30 (15 ea) ---> 60 lbs (oly + 15)
    Swiss ball: as written ---> holding 10 lb plate above head (still hard)

    Haven't taken measurements yet - gonna do that during my break week. Hoping I see SOMETHING get smaller, hah! I know my butt has gotten a bit rounder and my erector muscles are getting quite firm and noticeable. But I'll be honest - I wish I could see more bicep development right now...just to be vain...even contemplated doing some bicep curls to speed up that process. HAHAHA

    Oh and I, now, have callouses on both hands under my ring fingers and middle fingers. They REALLY hurt when I go to do lat pull-downs (after doing DLs). I wear gloves too. Not sure I could do this without the gloves as my bar has all these diamond shaped ridges cut into it and those tear up my hands. :(
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Wow, both you posters above are killing it! So, do you do the lunges in the book or walking lunges?

    With crunches, what does a plate "above head" mean exactly? I'm looking for ways to make 10 reps actually hard!
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    2A last night

    Squats: 45 (just the oly bar)... I probably could have done a little more, but there was a gang by the squat machine taking turns. So I grabbed the bar from the bench press. It was hard to get it over my head with no additional weights... so I just had to deal with it.

    Push ups... elbows in are definitely a LOT harder... so stayed on bench
    Seated row ... first set 60, 2nd set back to 50

    Step ups.... no 20s in sight... so I opted for 25... on the bench. after 8 counts, my left side felt really heavy... so I looked at the weight again (30!)... no wonder.... my left hamstring is killing me this morning.... duh.... I finished the rest with 25 on BOTH hands... LOL

    Prone JK.... 10/BW

    Much better experience this time :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Woooohoooo! Finished stage 1, 8B last night. Taking a week off from lifting before starting stage 2. Also decided to eat at maintenance for two weeks in an effort to help reset my hormone levels to pre-caloric deficit levels (I've been eating at a deficit since late November (went to Disney), and then prior to that since July/August). I guess it's good to do this every 12-16 weeks or so, so as not to stress out those hormones. A little scary for me...since I've gained 2-3 lbs during these last six weeks of NROL. :/ Hoping to see those pounds fall off during my week break as the excess water goes away.

    So final numbers for my B (posted A's results the other day) are:
    Deads: 55 ----> 125 lbs
    DB shoulder press: 30 (15 each) ---> 50 (25 each) lbs
    Wide-grip lat pulldown: 50 ---> 85+13 lb bar (98 lbs)
    Lunge: 30 (15 ea) ---> 60 lbs (oly + 15)
    Swiss ball: as written ---> holding 10 lb plate above head (still hard)

    Haven't taken measurements yet - gonna do that during my break week. Hoping I see SOMETHING get smaller, hah! I know my butt has gotten a bit rounder and my erector muscles are getting quite firm and noticeable. But I'll be honest - I wish I could see more bicep development right now...just to be vain...even contemplated doing some bicep curls to speed up that process. HAHAHA

    Oh and I, now, have callouses on both hands under my ring fingers and middle fingers. They REALLY hurt when I go to do lat pull-downs (after doing DLs). I wear gloves too. Not sure I could do this without the gloves as my bar has all these diamond shaped ridges cut into it and those tear up my hands. :(

    re: gloves. I read something on stronglifts about how to care for your calluses and he actually recommended AGAINST gloves. I'm on 7B today and haven't used gloves yet bc of that article; I do have some slight calluses, but no pain from them.

    Hre's a link to one article that says not to wear gloves, but I know there's a different one I read on there, or maybe it was his newsletter; can't find it now:

    Here's a link to preventing "deadlifts from ripping your hands apart, and how to care for calluses:

  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Hi ladies!

    I started NROLFW last night with workout 1A. I started adding strength training to my workout routine a couple months ago but I was starting to feel like I needed more of a structured program and wanted to start using free weights. I'd pretty much just been using machines since I didn't know where to start with free weights and I'll admit I'm intimidated by them! I think for the first couple weeks I will be doing the workouts at home until I gain some confidence and familiarity with the workouts and my own strength and then I think I will move to the gym so I have access to more weights. I have most of the stuff at home including a squat rack (which I was suprised about) but the main limitation is the amount of weights.

    Squats: Bar + 20 pounds. I'm not sure how much the bar weighs yet & I felt like I could have done 5-10 more pounds but I've never used a barbell before so I erred on the side of caution.

    Push-ups: 2 x 15 on the floor

    Bent over dumbbell row: 10 in each hand

    Step ups: 15 in each hand (I think.... can't quite remember and I don't have my log with me... might have only been 10 :wink: ). My main difficulty with doing this at home was finding something to step on. I'm only 5'2" so most things were way too high :smile: I finally found a step ladder but I wish it were a little higher.

    Prone jackknifes: 2 x 8

    I'm very excited! I think on my off days I am going to try to do some low-intensity cardio. Prior to starting this I did 45 minutes on an AMT machine around 5 days a week with high intensity. I know from reading through the thread that I might not have the energy but for now I'm planning on doing walks, light bike rides, etc.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm getting so close to the end of this stage I can taste it--only two more regular workouts, then to decide whether to do the AMRAPs or not (probably not). I'm not really looking forward to Stage 2, though--the moves look so fussy compared to these simple ones... But, I guess I'll manage (assuming the foot and ankle specialist I'm seeing next week doesn't nix the whole thing, which he may).

    I haven't weighed or measured for a while, and I go back and forth between thinking I've gained and see no changes or lost and see changes, lol! I guess the pictures will tell... I'll weigh/measure/take pictures when this stage is over.

    Re:gloves--I read it's better not to wear them, too. But between the grip issues I was having (they've gone away since switching to kettlebells for lunges and step-ups, yay!) and the callouses I was/am getting, I'm sticking with the gloves for now. I should read the Stronglifts article about it though, I guess.

    Okay, all--I'm having a post-lifting crash at the moment and can't bear to keep typing. Carry on :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    7B today:

    SQUATS (in lieu of lunges): 5x5 105#
    DEADLIFTS: 95# woo-hoo! so excited to get the 25# plates on there and not have to stack plates under. what a difference!
    SHOULDER PRESS: 30# bar + 15# in plates for 50# total, 3 x 8 (boy, that 8th rep was hard to reach on the last two sets)
    WIDE GAP LAT PULLDOWN: continues to be my achilles heel. 2 x 8 at 50#, and 1 x 5 at 55#
    CRUNCHES: 3 x 15 on the ball w/ 16# medicine ball
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I did did 7A today. At home again, while I work up the weight on my squats.

    Squats (free weight)-- I was able to go from 20 to 30 lbs today. I'm feeling good about my progress here, considering the whole smith machine/free weight set back. Hoping to be up to 45 soon.

    Push ups-- no progress here. I'm still on my 4th step. I tried to go down to 3rd, but could only do 4 reps, so went back to 4th. :-(

    Barbell rows-- last time I did 15lb dbs, I did 2 sets of this and then a set of barbell rows at 35lbs.

    Step ups-- upped to 15lb dbs

    Probe Jackknife-- first set of 15 hands on floor, last two sets of 15 with forearms on step, because of pressure on my wrists. Getting easier to stay on ball.

    I think I'm going to do another 2-3 weeks of stage 1. I'm just not satisfied with where I'm at weight-wise. I want to at least be at 45 on my squats.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Stage 7A completed. Today was better than Monday but I still have that lower left abdominal pain. I must have torn a muscle. It's weird that I wasn't able to do crunches Monday but I could today. I substituted crunches for the jackknife because of the pain.

    squats: 45 lbs

    seated rows: 84 lbs to 96 lb on my last set!

    push ups : I tried to lower but that doggone pain so I went back up 2 steps and did 12 on each set

    crunches: 10 on each set with 8lb ball

    step ups: lowered weigh to 24 total lbs so I could increase to a higher step !
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Wow, both you posters above are killing it! So, do you do the lunges in the book or walking lunges?

    With crunches, what does a plate "above head" mean exactly? I'm looking for ways to make 10 reps actually hard!

    I do both. If I do the walking lunges I make sure my working leg finishes out the entire lunge. (make sense?)

    sorry I can't answer about the plate.
  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member
    I'm officially done with stage 1! Wooooohoooo!

    Impatience got the better of me yesterday and I did all the amraps from A and B workout on one evening, still only took 30 mins.

    I will post my figures when I get home, currently at work :laugh:

    Stage 2 here I come! Starting on Monday :happy:
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I'm officially done with stage 1! Wooooohoooo!

    Impatience got the better of me yesterday and I did all the amraps from A and B workout on one evening, still only took 30 mins.

    I will post my figures when I get home, currently at work :laugh:

    Stage 2 here I come! Starting on Monday :happy:

    Good job! I'm totally interested in your figures. Did it take you 4 weeks?

    Keep us updated on Stage 2!
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm officially done with stage 1! Wooooohoooo!

    Impatience got the better of me yesterday and I did all the amraps from A and B workout on one evening, still only took 30 mins.

    I will post my figures when I get home, currently at work :laugh:

    Stage 2 here I come! Starting on Monday :happy:

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,095 Member
    For the swiss-ball crunches, think about extending your arms over your head (i.e. where you cannot see them - not just straight up in the air) and holding a DB or a kettle-bell (I wouldn't use a plate for the over-head part - I would use a plate on your chest if that is the level of difficulty you are at) - i.e. one DB held by both hands or one kettle-bell held by both hands.

    Some very impressive numbers being posted in here!! Hard to believe you're all beginner-lifters!! Good for you!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    For the swiss-ball crunches, think about extending your arms over your head (i.e. where you cannot see them - not just straight up in the air) and holding a DB or a kettle-bell (I wouldn't use a plate for the over-head part - I would use a plate on your chest if that is the level of difficulty you are at) - i.e. one DB held by both hands or one kettle-bell held by both hands.

    Some very impressive numbers being posted in here!! Hard to believe you're all beginner-lifters!! Good for you!

    I tried this and it put a lot of strain on my neck? Maybe I just have a huge head?!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    My squats are depressing. I know it's because I'm recovering from a low back injury, but I am.. squatting with the bar, and I'm finding it the most difficult thing in the universe to make parallel. I want to improve my squats super quick so I can stop looking gooberish. :(

    I guess I'll list my workout too, though I just did 2A today, I guess? Hahaha. I've no clue.

    squats 2 x 45/15
    cable row 2 x 75/15
    step ups 2 x 50/15
    jacknife 2 x BW/8 ... starting position with ball between knees and ankles.
    And ... 30 pansy- er, I mean counterheight pushups. Which... I'd change, but my WRISTS CAN'T TAKE IT.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    My squats are depressing. I know it's because I'm recovering from a low back injury, but I am.. squatting with the bar, and I'm finding it the most difficult thing in the universe to make parallel. I want to improve my squats super quick so I can stop looking gooberish. :(

    I guess I'll list my workout too, though I just did 2A today, I guess? Hahaha. I've no clue.

    squats 2 x 45/15
    cable row 2 x 75/15
    step ups 2 x 50/15
    jacknife 2 x BW/8 ... starting position with ball between knees and ankles.
    And ... 30 pansy- er, I mean counterheight pushups. Which... I'd change, but my WRISTS CAN'T TAKE IT.

    Don't feel bad about the bar. You aren't the only one struggling with the weight on this. For some reason I can do 85lb Romanian deadlifts, but only squat 35lbs.

    Oh, I also have an old back injury. Take care of your back, and it will take care of you. :-) Form and safety first, weight last. You'll get there.