Stage 1



  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Yes! I was able to add 10 lbs. to my squats...95 lbs.! Today was my 8A workout and I've gone from

    45 lb. Oly bar > 95 lbs. - Squats

    30 degree > floor - push-ups

    40 lbs. > 80 lbs. - Seated row

    15 lb. db > 30 lb. db - Step ups

    8 > 15 - Prone jacknife

    I'm STOKED! :bigsmile:
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Phoenix - fantastic progress!!!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Just finished 1b. I'm still feeling majorily guilty about leaving the gym in such a short time (I know the workouts get harder so I'm being patient) but I know I'm going to add some serious soreness to the soreness I already had (not too bad)! I was praying to baby Jesus like whoa during the lunges -- and they were only with 5lb dumbells. Lots of room to go up on those.

    I did 60lbs on the deadlifts and I'm so glad I didn't start out with more. I haven't done deadlifts in a long time and I wanted to be able to watch the natural form I wanted to take vs correct form and I'm not sure I would've done too hot with any extra weight. But it felt great! 15 at 60 was just about right for today.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Thanks, Jen! I'm looking forward to my last workout on Monday. My goal is to hit 105 lbs. on my deadlifts. I will be so ready for a rest after I'm done with Stage 1! :happy:

    JNH - I'm just going to have to follow your lead and pray to baby Jesus to help me with those deadlifts! As for the lunges, as much as I hate doing them, I actually did pretty well and I'm sure you will, too. :smile:
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Thanks, Jen! I'm looking forward to my last workout on Monday. My goal is to hit 105 lbs. on my deadlifts. I will be so ready for a rest after I'm done with Stage 1! :happy:

    JNH - I'm just going to have to follow your lead and pray to baby Jesus to help me with those deadlifts! As for the lunges, as much as I hate doing them, I actually did pretty well and I'm sure you will, too. :smile:

    What weight did you start with for deadlifts?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    JNH, I felt guilty leaving early as well. Tomorrow when I do 6A I will be there longer. I noticed with workout 5 I was there 15 or so minutes longer. My thoughts : as I increase weights , the harder it is for me to pull/push/lift. In turn, that increases time plus adding additional reps.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hi everyone! Still hanging with y'all. Finished A5 today. Wow! 3 sets is a lot more challenging than 2. I did not increase my weights as I wanted to make sure I would get through all 3 sets.

    I will be going on vacation next week, which will disrupt my schedule unless I can find a gym. Plan on doing B5 Monday, then starting back on A6 the Thursday following. I sure hope that doesn't mess me up.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Thanks, Jen! I'm looking forward to my last workout on Monday. My goal is to hit 105 lbs. on my deadlifts. I will be so ready for a rest after I'm done with Stage 1! :happy:

    JNH - I'm just going to have to follow your lead and pray to baby Jesus to help me with those deadlifts! As for the lunges, as much as I hate doing them, I actually did pretty well and I'm sure you will, too. :smile:

    What weight did you start with for deadlifts?

    I started my deadlifts with the 45 lb. Oly bar.
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi! I've restarted NROLW after a long hiatus, and am redoing all of stage1. Second workout today, and I was very sore from 1A still. Ow! But, it makes me glad I decided to be patient and start from the beginning again.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    OK, so I guess I have been overtraining. There's nothing else that explains it. I guess I have been pushing it by lifting 3 x week in addition to teaching my spin classes. I do really get why the book says not to do more than 20 min cardio on off days.

    So . . . since I have to teach the spin classes, I decided to take a 4 day break until my next class on Tuesday. So, no lifting Saturday or Monday. I also took today off from paddleboarding again.

    Stopped in at the chiropractor and the kinesiologist said my adrenals were shot, and this does not surprise me with all the stress we have endured with our drug-addicted niece who had been living with us until her most recent heroin binge last month ... gah.

    Anyway, I have 3 workouts left of stage 1, so that will be next Wed, Sat, and the following Monday, the 30th. Then I will take an entire week off (yes!), and get back outside paddling and cycling (gently) before resuming with stronglifts 5 x 5.

    I've decided I want to stick with the compound moves instead of increasing the workout time with more split workkouts.

    It is still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that 3 hours lifting + 3 hours cardio is kicking my *kitten* when I used to push 13.5 hours/week cardio with ease. Ahhhhhhh well.

    Thanks all for your advice and encouragement :)
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Sleepytexan--sounds like a wise plan. I hope the rest works wonders for you. And that things stabilize with your niece--that's a rough situation. Good luck!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    6A completed. I increased some weights AND lowered the incline for my push-ups! I don't think I will be on the floor by the end of this stage . baby steps :smile:

    squats 45
    push-ups lowered incline
    seated row 72lbs>84lbs
    step ups 15 lbs each hand > 17.5 lbs each hand
    jackknife went from NO problems last time to problems today. Last set I could only complete 7. My lower abs felt like it was tearing!

    I should be back on MWF schedule next week. I hope so. I like have Sat & Sun off.
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Did 2A today and felt so good about it that I wanted to share!

    Squats: 65 lbs
    push-ups: 3rd peg from the bottom on Smith machine
    seated row: 50 lbs
    Step ups: 15 lb dumbells and step up to bench height
    jackknife: one set jackknife like they show in the book, one set jackknife pikes (ouch!!)

    I KNOW I am going to be sore tomorrow, but I LOVE how strong I feel!

    Plus, the really motivating factor:
    In the week since starting NROLFW I went from 174 to 169 (I'm 5'11), while eating 1800 - 2100 calories each day. Granted, I was not eating well the week before starting, but it is really exciting to see the scale go down so quickly!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Finished 8A tonight....waited too long to workout (hubby was doing StrongLifts first and took for-freakin-ever) so I don't think I had as much power as I normally would. But here are my "final" numbers I guess....(debating if I want to do another week of level 8s since I don't plan to do AMRAPS):

    Squat -
    started at 45 lbs (BB)
    finished at 100 lbs

    Push-ups -
    Started at a very high peg off the smith machine (I think it was 13 holes up, LOL)
    Finished at....wait for it, wait for it....last set of 8 ALL ON MY TOES! (Didn't think I was going to see that this stage!)

    Seated row -
    Started at 40 lbs + bar (my bar is almost 7 lbs)
    Finished at 95 + bar

    Step-ups -
    Started at holding 10 lb DBs each hand on a step with all platforms
    Finished at holding OlyBB with 10 lbs for a total of 55 lbs on step (and stoopid me just realized I could do the BB with more weights instead of DBs so I imagine I may have been able to tolerate more weight so this is not very impressive to me now, LOL)

    Prone jackknife -
    Started at falling off the ball my first set of 8 and being super sore the next day, hah!
    Finished at doing it as directed and feeling strong through each set of 15 I'd do! Love these!! One of my fave ab exercises now.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Great progress everyone!

    I did 7A today, and I'm up to 100# on my squats and all 3 sets of 8 push-ups on my toes. That's the biggest accomplishment of all, to me--I didn't think I'd get there this stage, either. So three more regular workouts, then to decide if I do two more 8s or AMRAPs (I'm thinking two 8s).

    I go to see my orthopedist tomorrow--I had an MRI on my right foot last week (it's been hurting for about a year...) and I have bone inflammation in the ball of my foot. He may want me to wear a cast-boot for a while. Ugh. I'm definitely finishing this stage, boot or no boot. And then I'll see--may have to take a break, modify the program, or switch to StrongLifts 5x5, which doesn't have foot-bending/stepping exercises.
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi everyone...
    I started workouts A1 and B1 over the weekend (Fri/Sun). My initial reaction was "that was quick" because I finished in less than 30 minutes. Normally when I go to my "weights" part of my workout, I'm at the gym for at least an hour (because I'm doing so many different lifts). But after reading everyone's posts here, I think I didn't put enough weights??? Even though I put at least 5 lbs heavier than what I would have been comfortable with. They were difficult and I was sweating, but I don't know if I'm doing this right.

    What were your starting weights?

    This is what I did:
    Squats - I did this on that machine with 35 lbs on each side (is that 70 then?)
    Seated Row - 40lbs
    Push-ups - on the bench (I'll try to just suck it up and go to the floor next time)
    Step up - 15 lbs (step class bench - not sure how high it was)
    Prone jackknife - who invented that???

    Deadlift - 30 lbs (normally would only do 20). I'm too scared to pick up the 45 bar... :/
    Shoulder Press - 12lbs ( normally 8)
    Lat pull down - 35 lbs
    Lunge - 20 lbs (this was hard... I thought my left knee was going to give out)
    Swiss ball crunch (25 lb plate) - I actually did 20 each set b/c I didn't look at my notes and assumed 15, but it took forever to get the ball in the right position, so I just kept going...

    In the book it also mentions AMRAPs --- is that at the end of every workout or after workout 8?

    Thanks all
    Newbie :)
  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    It took a week to recover from1A!!! But I'm alive again and no longer having difficulty walking! :drinker: So, tonight I'm going to Zumba because I couldn't move last week and missed it. (Plus if I lift on Tuesday and can't walk, I'll miss Zumba on Wednesday and that would suck again... :grumble: ). So, I gained like 3 pounds of water weight after 1A. :embarassed: But got back down to 219 while recovering (started at 218.6). So I'm hoping one day of Zumba and 2 lift days this week will help that pesky scale go down. :glasses:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi everyone...
    I started workouts A1 and B1 over the weekend (Fri/Sun). My initial reaction was "that was quick" because I finished in less than 30 minutes. Normally when I go to my "weights" part of my workout, I'm at the gym for at least an hour (because I'm doing so many different lifts). But after reading everyone's posts here, I think I didn't put enough weights??? Even though I put at least 5 lbs heavier than what I would have been comfortable with. They were difficult and I was sweating, but I don't know if I'm doing this right.

    What were your starting weights?

    This is what I did:
    Squats - I did this on that machine with 35 lbs on each side (is that 70 then?)
    Seated Row - 40lbs
    Push-ups - on the bench (I'll try to just suck it up and go to the floor next time)
    Step up - 15 lbs (step class bench - not sure how high it was)
    Prone jackknife - who invented that???

    Deadlift - 30 lbs (normally would only do 20). I'm too scared to pick up the 45 bar... :/
    Shoulder Press - 12lbs ( normally 8)
    Lat pull down - 35 lbs
    Lunge - 20 lbs (this was hard... I thought my left knee was going to give out)
    Swiss ball crunch (25 lb plate) - I actually did 20 each set b/c I didn't look at my notes and assumed 15, but it took forever to get the ball in the right position, so I just kept going...

    In the book it also mentions AMRAPs --- is that at the end of every workout or after workout 8?

    Thanks all
    Newbie :)

    H and welcome, Cpa.

    I don't have all your answers because I am learning too.

    I think your weights are good. Easier than some of mine and harder on the others. I think you must do what you are comfortable with. I don't have my log in book next to me , but I will say tentatively:
    the deadlifts I was at 60
    seated row at 60
    lat pull down 48
    squats 40
    step ups 8
    pushups 45 degree angle
    lunges 10

    AMRAP : as far as I know it is only after stage 1. (Just to prove to you how little you were lifting)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Today's workout went pretty well. I finished 6B. I wasn't sure how it would go on the deadlifts since I am going free weight only, and I wasn't able to squat the Olympic bar. But I was able to deadlift it (I do Romanian deadlifts) just fine.

    I did:

    Romanian deadlift-- 45, 55, 55
    Shoulder Press-- 15db all three sets
    Lat pull down-- 40, 50, 55
    Lunges-- 10db all sets (only did two sets. The allergy med I took is seriously starting to mess with me)
    Crunches on ball-- 10lb plate all three sets
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    Today I did 3B...

    Deadlifts -65 2 sets
    Shoulder press -10 DBs 2 sets
    Lat pull down - 40 2 sets
    Lunges - 10 kettlebells 2 sets. These still kick my *kitten*
    Swiss ball crunches - held a 10 kettlebell on my chest for 2 sets of 12

    Slow improvements and my form is getting better!