

  • SunnyDuckling SW: 231 lbs LW: 223.11 lbs CW: 221.34lbs Robynw143 SW: 233, LW 233, CW 234 gained 1 pound Carlab2014: SW: 140 LW: 138 CW: 136
  • zoetewijn SW ~ 175 , LW ~ 164.8 , CW ~ 164 Robynw143 SW: 233, LW: 233, CW 233 jeskuhsmeekers i don't remember my previous stats but today i am 200.0 Carla SW 140 LW 138 CW 138 I don't know how to break this habit, during the week I'm discipline then wknd comes and I gain everything back! Blah! Jessica: congrats on your…
  • Hi sandy! I have had my good n bad days as well. But what keeps me motivated is for the first time in my life since I'm actually conscious about my diet n exercise , I feel a difference in the way I function mentally physically n emotionally(female speaking) lol During the days when I eat healthy I notice a boost w my…
  • yeah weight ins are on mondays they always have been haha... but Raindancer: sw: 238 lw: 234 cw:235 zoetewijn: SW:175 LW: 168 CW: 164.8 Jeskuhsmeekers SW 215 LW 208.8 CW 202.8 6 lbs Carla2014: SW: 143 LW: 136 CW: 138 Gained guys :( I'll make up for next wk.
  • Here we go: robreg11\ sw 290 lw 285 cw 284.5 Raindancer SW: 238 LW: 234 CW: 235 Zoetewijn sw175 cw 168. Melissabann: sw 214.4 LW 209.8 CW 209.8 Robynw143 sw: 232, LW: 232, CW: 232 jeskuhsmeekers Sw 207 lw 205.6 cw 208.8 grinderx LW:293.4 CW: 288.8 Christine_120 LW 258.8 CW 258.8 darrelkun SW:206.5 LW:203.7 CW:203.5…
  • Sorry I was under the impression that this challenge was over. LW: 137.5. 1/27/14 CW: 136 2/3/14 Let's keep this rolling! :)
  • Hi pink team! Thought id be nosy and see how you all r doing... I see there is a MINOR disappointment but don't get discouraged. Remember, you are your own competition. We all gotta keep pushing ourselves to get to our personal goals. Nothing feels better than achieving more than you think you can! We're not against each…
  • LW: 140lbs CW: 137.5 lbs Lost -2.5! Woohoo! :)
  • Excited for tomorrow's weigh in!! Let's go purple team!
  • Happy Friday! I'm starting Zumba world fitness today. Super excited! Added purple teams daily challenge to my daily routine and I must say it's making a huge difference! Thanks for the support purple team! Have a great day everyone! :)
  • done! Thank you for the challenge! It helps to have a reminder. :) Ive been fairly active burning about 200-500 calories/day yet im consuming 1500-2000 worth... i wonder how this will affect my weigh in on monday. :-/ Dont want to let my team down so I will try my best to stay under 1200 tomorrow. :) Im also planning to do…
  • Me too! Lets do this! :)
  • It's official! Lets go team purple! :)
  • Congratulations! <3 Go team purple! :)
    in Teams Comment by Carlab2014 January 2014
  • Sw: 140lbs Cw: 140lbs :(
  • So: 140 Cw: 140 :(
  • I don't know about you guys but I'm allowing myself to have 1 cheat day. But definitely taking the challenge seriously not only for my teams sake but for my own personal achievement as well. I did not rely on the scale to tell my how I was progressing the last 2 days yet I felt lighter and slimmer in my clothes so that…
  • Hi darrell thank u for the suggestion. I want to give you guys an example and pls tell me what you think I should change. Based on my numbers yesterday: Food-1309; Exercise-640. Btw I stopped weighing myself lol :)
  • Hi Karen, I also read that on another thread. Ill give it a try. My goal is 800 calories a day which means I would I have to eat 1200cal and burn 400. Does that make sense or am I getting all this wrong...? Since jan 1st Ive lost a total of 4lbs. I lost 3lbs the first week and in the last 12 days my weight varied up and…
  • Now exercise time! :)
  • Thanks for your input, the fried chicken is funny! I think I'll wait it out til Monday til I weigh myself again. I think my diet has been considerably healthy. Although I still have my treats everyday (chocolate covered acai- 5pcs and venti soy latte/light coffee frap from Starbucks! No bueno!) Definitely have to do…
  • @jessica hi there! I see we have a couple things in common. I'm also going to be maid of honor to my sisters wedding this coming may. We have 3-4 months to go!!! I'm trying to get down to 115-120lbs being 5'4" at 139lbs. 20+lbs in 4months should be doable.. (I hope) so were about the same except youre much taller. :) I've…
  • I finally figured out how to add the ticker! Now I'm really excited! Btw- profile pic is old it's only for inspiration. ;)
  • Sounds good thanks for the info :)
  • Sw: 139.5 lbs Gw: 120 How do I download that weightloss numberline??
  • Hello, my name is Carla, 27, 5'4" tall, and weigh 139.5lbs. It's not too late to join, is it? I started using mufitnesspal since the beginning of January so I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate this thing. Any help would be gret!:) I have to loose weight for a wedding in may. Ideally I want to loose 20-30lbs but…
  • Late but I'm joining u all! :) Sw: 143 Cw: 142 Gw: 130-135 Weigh in dates: 1/1: 143 1/8: 138.5 1/15: 142 1/22: 1/29: Total weight loss: As you see i gain weight back and it happened over night! I think it might have to do with water retention from high levels of sodium in something I ate the night before. Lesson learned!…
  • I'm in! I'm new to this site but im active on the app. Still trying to figure out how to add friends on it. You can add me :)