My sister and I are doing this one too! So excited and nervous. To OP... awesome. Glad to hear it wasn't has hard as you thought it might be.
My favorite thing in the world is jellybeans. If I don't allow myself some sweet, sweet, jellybean goodness, I know I'll end up cheating and start the downward shame spiral into no longer eating right. It's happened many times before. The evening is the worst for me too. I buy a large bag of jellybellys and divide them…
That's awesome! Great job. Nice to see that the reward for your loss is for you and your family.
It sucks that some people do that, but they do. I lost a lot of weight the first time I was in college and my roommate was terrible. First class saboteur. Knowing I was losing weight and eating better, she'd go pick up fried potato wedges or fried chicken strips and bring back "extra" for me. She hadn't done that at all…
haha! So true! That's the worst because it's so often with all the extra water I'm drinking.
This thread is AWESOME! Y'all all look so happy and healthy. Everyone looks like a completely different person. How awesome is must feel to not be recognized sometimes!
Great job. It's amazing how much weight loss shows in the face alone.
You look great! What kept you so motivated? Awesome job!