

  • almonds are amazing, and triscuits keep me pretty full as well. if you put 1 serving in a little baggy, you'll keep from over snacking!
  • Your protein shake is genius. i normally do banana and peanut butter.. and tons of ice cause it makes it like twice as big and tricks me into thinking I eat more. I'm a grazer too. It's good for you :)
  • In my opinion (after some extensive research as well) cheating is when you take one day/one meal (depending on what you deem appropriate, and pig out. Simple as that. I do it once a week. It's just a manifestation of that thing you were craving monday, the ice cream at that party you respectfully denied, the donuts they…
  • So true, I can burn up to 450 in just 30 minutes, it's a great way to start my day.
  • Thanks, I snack throughout the day as well. I work out before breakfast and lunch, sometimes right after work so I try to keep my metabolism going by eating every 2 hours. Mostly granola bars and whole almonds. I feel like the granola bars are just a waste of 90 calories though, and I'm in the Air Force so it's hard to get…
  • Holy crap lol yeah, I'd probably snack on that (about half a portion). My lunch is always a salad (about 40 calories) with cauliflower and 1 tbsp fat free ranch (about 50 calories) and some sort of protein, like today white grilled fish fillet (70 calories). If I'm really hungry, I'll add an apple :p Thanks for your input!
  • You look amazing!! Just want you to know that you are beautiful, you were beautiful then and you're beautiful now. If your goal is lower, then you're doing great and keep it up, but You've made a tremendous change and you look great!