What counts as "cheating" for you?



  • moreORless50
    moreORless50 Posts: 261 Member
    my cheat days are bad days where i havnt counted cals:devil: so havnt logged them i have had 6 bad days in the 34 days i been here :cry: but am trying not to have another bad day havnt had one in a whole week so far , i dont class eating something yummy as cheating if i log it and stay with in my cal allowance
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member

    Depends on how I am feeling... right now? Anything that consists of food is cheating at this point...

    Tomorrow it is anything with high carb count excluding alcohol.

    Umm anything not clean and healthy really... not including alcohol of course... so yea...
  • AdelaDi
    AdelaDi Posts: 25 Member
    Sometimes I exercise only so I can have a light vanilla frappuchino from starbucks. haha. If I'm having one of those days when all I can think about is some food that I really love that I really shouldn't eat, I just exercise and then have it, or I just have a little bite of it. Sometimes a bite of it is all it takes to kill that craving

    Wow, awesome that you can actually have *just* a bite of it! ^_^
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My definition of "cheating" is when people don't honestly log what they actually eat. Otherwise it isn't cheating - it's making good or bad decisions about what you eat.

    ^^^ This! OMG! Someone agrees with me!
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I've started calling a "free day/meal" verses cheating just because it's a lifestyle change and I don't want to feel like I'm "cheating" everytime I go over my goal.

    For me, "free day/meal" is any day that I go over my calories by a significant amount and it's usually planned. Like, if I have an extra bite of something or I really need a snack that puts me over by anywhere from 0-200...that's not cheating or free...that's just me needing something else that happened to put me over. Usually that happens when I eat earlier than normal and am up later than normal. It also does not happen too much.

    "Free" to me is if I go out to eat and have the appetizer, entree, and possibly desert or a latte. I don't go out to eat very much just because I live so far out of town. Or going to someone's house for dinner/family get together because you can't control what other people cook and you can't avoid social situations..

    So really, as long as I am within my calories (maybe a little over), it's good for me...the "free" is if I am visiting others, or going out...something like that
  • mprezn
    mprezn Posts: 27 Member
    I have been trying to stay under my calorie goal, but i definately feel really crap and dissapointed when i go over (which is most of the time). I feel its cheating when i have junk food/snacks. I look at them and the calories they have in them and i realise i didnt have to eat that. I could have had something else, or just not had anything at all.
    Then i try add a cardio average of what i think i would have burnt int he day. Which is CHEATING because i dont do much exercise. This isnt always, but i have done it before.. or i Add a food that i search on.. and choose the one from the list with the least calories on it..LOL. ah so bad.
  • In my opinion (after some extensive research as well) cheating is when you take one day/one meal (depending on what you deem appropriate, and pig out. Simple as that. I do it once a week. It's just a manifestation of that thing you were craving monday, the ice cream at that party you respectfully denied, the donuts they brought in at work, all put together into (in my case) one meal during the week where you eat what you want to get it out of your system. Log it or not, that's not really what's important. You're just saying screw it to dieting or fitness for a short period to get you through to the next one.

    Not everyone needs it and some people "cheat" in little ways every day.

    It's whatever works for you :D
  • shellydd
    shellydd Posts: 156 Member
    cheating=anything not logged, anything excessive and not in moderation I.E. instead of 2 cookies, 5 cookies.
  • Like lots of others, I don't cut out entire food groups, or lie to myself and think I'll NEVER eat cake or pizza or whatever. Cheat for me is going overboard with unhealthy food then not logging it (as if not logging it means in never happened), or being afraid to find out how many calories I just ate so I don't log it. When I am logging consistently and working out regularly I can eat pretty much what I want and stay within my calorie budget.
    It's all about logging accurately and being honest with myself about what my body needs, why I am making certain choices, and choosing foods that get me closer to my goal much more often than foods that won't get me there.
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    Very good question! I guess for me it is having one cheat meal that really doesn't follow my healthy eating plan but still staying track my calorie goal but I also track that meal.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I'm with you, it's worse to me if I go over my calorie goal. When I go over, I tend to just say F-it, and then start binging. I think if you want to have something yummy, then do it! Strict deprivation doesn't work for me because then I start getting insane cravings and get off track because I'm a total sugar addict with no self-control! Lol
  • if i counted anything unhealthy as cheating i would be "cheating" every single day. and daily cheating would mean i'd never lose weight, which is not the case.

    my cheat days are when i not only go above my caloric limit but when i basically say "**** it. i'm eating whatever and not logging it."

  • TrinaJ11
    TrinaJ11 Posts: 159 Member
    I don't really "cheat" anymore. I mean I still eat foods that I love that are both "healthy" and "unhealthy" but I don't think I've cheated in a while. Where I just....BINGE. Today is my rest day from exercise and I'm still logging calories but if I happen to go over on carbs or something else today is the day to just....not care. If that makes sense.
  • alie001
    alie001 Posts: 59 Member
    I think the idea of "cheating" is part of the issue with yo-yo gaining on losing. If someone feels as though they have failed they bail off of the wagon for the rest of the day. If you know better you do better, to quote Miss Oprah. Life sometimes gets in the way and you make some less than stellar choices. Just log honestly and move on.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    My definition of "cheating" is when people don't honestly log what they actually eat. Otherwise it isn't cheating - it's making good or bad decisions about what you eat.

    Thats a great way to look at it!
    Normally I consider cheating going over my allowed calories, but I like the response above way better!