rfp67 Member


  • Sooooooooo many things could have played havoc with the scale!!! Hormones, time of day, clothing, water retention, etc........ Any of these could make it vary a pound. Don't let the scale be your guide! Do you feel better? If the answer is yes, then great, you have accomplished a goal. Count every change a positive and…
  • Coke zero is my cola of choice! I would drink it all day if I could, but I can tell it causes me to retain much more water than usual. I have tried to stay with only one per day, but now that I have cut back....some days I don't have it and hardly miss it.
    in diet cola Comment by rfp67 June 2012
  • everyone needs friends for this journey! Feel free to add me!
  • Are you under a lot of stress? Stress causes rises in cortisol levels which causes us to hold on to belly fat. It still is about calories in and out, though. Just keep pushing thru!!!
  • Welcome! I'm new to this too (been on for a couple of weeks) and am finding out that the food and exercise diary are helping me most!
  • big difference!:smile: