Feeling discouraged.

I started my weight loss journey again a week ago. I worked out every day at the gym, and recorded all my food. I thought I did really well. I actually went to weigh in today feeling pretty confident thinking I lost 1-2 lbs and what did I see? I am a pound heavier than my starting weight! There is no way that it is muscle as it has only been a week! I even cried. I am feeling very discouraged and need some encouraging words. :cry:


  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Aww love, it is all good. My weight did the same thing when I first started. I think our bodies just get all confused when we try and change things up! Keep going and I know the weight will eventually come off! You can do it!!! Keep trying and it'll happen!
  • chelbel89
    chelbel89 Posts: 161 Member
    i understand how you feel! i did the same for the first two weeks or so! just keep going and know that even if the numbers do not change on the scale, your body IS getting healthier! :flowerforyou:
  • definitelyval
    definitelyval Posts: 104 Member
    Don't cry, sweetie! Just keep working for it, and it will come. Concentrate on how positive you feel, and how AMAZING you are doing, and soon you will start to feel AND see results. It's hard, I KNOW! I'm weighing in this week and trying to NOT psych myself out to be devastated if the scale says I gained. I'm going to roll with what I have and just keep going!! We're all here for you. :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I started my weight loss journey again a week ago. I worked out every day at the gym, and recorded all my food. I thought I did really well. I actually went to weigh in today feeling pretty confident thinking I lost 1-2 lbs and what did I see? I am a pound heavier than my starting weight! There is no way that it is muscle as it has only been a week! I even cried. I am feeling very discouraged and need some encouraging words. :cry:

    OK, so, a week is a very very short period of time. No, you didn't put on muscle. Most likely, the weight gain is water weight. When you stress your muscles, they store more water and voila, more weight. Most people gain a little (especially women) when they first start. Keep a true accurate count of your calories and exercise. Don't overestimate the exercise calories. MFP (and most exercise machines) over estimate the calories you burn. If MFP or the device says you burned 250 calories, maybe ruond it down to 200 calories.

    Stick with it and be patient. Men lose weight more easily at the beginning. Women take longer to see the initial losses.
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    Your muscles might be holding on to water as they try to repair themselves. I've heard people say that the best time to weigh-in is the morning after a rest day where they don't exercise. Even if the scale isn't moving as fast as you'd like try to focus on how you feel. Take some measurements and then in a few weeks take them again and you'll be pleasantly surprised!

    Keep up the good work and stay strong. You are making great decisions that will improve your overall health and well-being and you should be PROUD!
  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    The scale can be a blessing and a curse... you hustled... you logged... you felt good about your work, and that is what's really important. I will humbly suggest.... keep working hard... keep your dedication... and don't get on the scale for a couple of weeks. Your body is going to do a little freaking out... some people drop water weight super quick and feel good about the scale change... then the next few weeks, see nothing. Others retain water as they work their muscles (as they repair themselves), and it looks like you're actually putting on weight. Your success is not contingent on what the scale says... 'cause sometimes it's gonna love ya... and other times it's gonna seemingly hate ya... just like a high school sweetheart. So ask yourself... would you take advice from a high school sweetheart today? (unless, of course, you're still with or married to your high school sweetheart... then you can act as if we've never had the conversation and I will slowly, quietly back out of the room :tongue: )
  • buteful25
    buteful25 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi hun, I feel you completely. Let me tell you what helped me. First of all, if you are going to weigh yourself, do it first thing in the morning before you eat but right after you use the restroom. This is your true weight. But remember your weight fluctuates throughout the day. Also, if you can, try to get a BMI because it gives a break down of your weight. If you are doing strength workouts, its possible that you could be losing fat but gaining muscle weight. Please take this into consideration and hang in there. :)
  • sheiwat
    sheiwat Posts: 47
    Keep up the good work and you will surely see results soon!
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Give it time, and don't let the scale be the ultimate judge of how well you are doing. I know it's hard but try not to get discouraged because of the scale. I haven't lost any weight in the last few months but my body is slimming down and changing. I'll take that over the number on the scale going down as proof of my progress.
  • rfp67
    rfp67 Posts: 7 Member
    Sooooooooo many things could have played havoc with the scale!!! Hormones, time of day, clothing, water retention, etc........ Any of these could make it vary a pound. Don't let the scale be your guide! Do you feel better? If the answer is yes, then great, you have accomplished a goal. Count every change a positive and learn from yourself when you falter. You can do it!!! :smile:
  • SistaHope
    SistaHope Posts: 23
    I know how you feel!! And I cried too~ but you need to realize your body is designed to work a certain way. Fast results will NOT be permanent results. And you're only in 1 week!!! Don't be so hard on yourself. 1) Make sure you're weighing in on the SAME scale, and at the SAME time of day (ex: at the gym, early morning). 2) I'm convinced things come in 3's: give it 3 days, then focus for 3 weeks, then 3 months. 3) Your body needs time to "get the message"; right now, it doesn't believe you. It's not trusting that what you're going is "for real". You're gonna have to re-train it, and it will catch on (give it 3 months ;) 4) Think of a seesaw; your weight is on one side, your fitness level on the other. As you bring your fitness level UP, your weight will start to come down ever so slowly. Eventually, the seesaw will even out (weight=fitness level) and after that point, the weight will start to fall off. 5) This is actually a good thing in the long run; you'll be developing a different outlook~ a health outlook instead of weight loss. You'll start to be more concerned with your overall health and that is what's most important . Considering your overall health is NEVER the wrong thing to do. What you're doing is SO GOOD; just keep on keeping on. Make good health your target. Listen hon, I've been where you are!!! And I know! Give yourself time and be patient! It will happen if you do it right, and you're real about it. I promise!
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    Thank you all! :heart:

    I feel loads better after reading your replies! I will give it more time and keep doing what I'm doing!
  • Carolfp
    Carolfp Posts: 42 Member
    One thing I have found is that... you shouldnt worry so much about the weight but the cm's you're losing :3 I go up and down in weight but when the cm's go up then you know something is not quite right.

    But if your weight goes up, and your cm's drop.
    Then you're just fine.

    Best of luck.
  • Don't be discouraged, it happens to me once in a while, but keep it up and it will start going down...logging your intake is not enough, study the foods you are eating and the quantities, cut down on Carbs a much as possible (breads, rice, beans, etc.) read all labels carefully. and reduce intake a bit more every day. and keep going, weight yourself everyday in the morning more or less at the same time and with same type of clothing. even if you loose only a bit a week, it will add up before you know it. Keep it up. :-)